This drive is sweet! I bought a single drive to replace my dual 160s which were in a SATA RAID 0 array and I almost feel as if I have a performance increase rather than decrease. My first impression of this drive was a good one and when I pick it up out of the box, it was a shock to feel how heavy this thing is. It must weigh 3 or 4 pounds. Definitely a solid drive :good:
oops, thanks for moving my thread, I didnt see the Storage section I was lazy and didnt scroll down, my bad
Western Digital makes very reliable drives but they're not always the fastest. The Raptor is the best of both worlds, if I had the money I'd get a couple, no doubt about it.
Ya, I was thinking about getting a pair of em but I didnt want to deal with the usual RAID I just got one and Im happier than ever
yup yup, I think my next upgrade is a DVD burner but I still have no use for one so Im holding off. Not sure what else I can do really...Ive finally got my system right about where I want it
yeh, would have to agree about the DVD writer, I havent got one yet as I dont see the need yet! plus by the time I want to buy one, they should be faster! I think the current max speed is 12x or 16x? plus theres no media which burns at that speed anyway!
yeah i'd wait until dual layer drives come down in price, and go up in speed! BTW i think the drives that burn on an image onto the labels are really cool. I want one.