Web language coding!!

Discussion in 'General Software' started by yorkkev28, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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    Firstly, i m not sure where to put this thread so feel free to move it.

    I am having trouble reading some web pages due to the writing being so small,
    either im going blind or the format on the web page is wrong.

    All my web pages used to be as clear as HWF but now some are so illegible that i can't look at the page.

    I haven't changed any of the settings, still at 1024 x768.

    Is there a reason for this or shall i apply for a guide dog now?
  2. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    There is usually a font setting in internet browsers, maybe it needs changing?

    I dont know where to find the bit you might need though.

    What browser are you using?

    In firefox and IE there is a text size option under view.
  3. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Yeah or holding CTRL and pressing + / - will make the text bigger / smaller respectively.

    (You can also hold CTRL and use a scroll wheel most of the time)
  4. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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    Thanks for that, the pages that were previously unreadable are now back to a normal size, HWF script has not changed size but my search engine Google has now gone ridiculously big to the point where i can see what it says on the screen from 20ft away.

    I know there are obviously different languages for writing web pages but this has only recently become an issue,

    anything changed that you know of?

    im using explorer 6
  5. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    Another keyboard shortcut I didnt know about. Thanks!

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