Hi there; I am new to this site, and if I am asking this question in the wrong area please let me know. I am not able to play website videos.(from sites like cbs.com, local news stations etc.) My son also is on myspace and it is not working correctly on my computer. If he uses another computer his videos run great. I have tried to uninstall flashplayer, and install again, without any luck. Has anyone had this problem before, and do you have any ideas on how to fix. Thank you for your help. dhkhth
I don't know about the other sites you view, but CBS requires the RealPlayer 10.1 player or plugin to be installed. Can you confirm you have this?
Hi, I'm new here too. Is it just sites like myspace that are not working for you? If you can't play vids or sounds anywhere on the internet try this. In your internet properties (start>controlpanel>internetoptions>advanced) Under the multimedia tab within the advanced page, are the boxes play animations in webpages and play sounds in webpages ticked or unticked?