Western Digital External Issue

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by 13lackfalcon, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. 13lackfalcon

    13lackfalcon Geek Trainee

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    Hey guys i'm Really gutered as my 640 GB external just took a dumb at me.... when i plug the power plug thing in it doesnt even light up or anything!!! not even a spin! :( i have important stuff in there like family photos.....
    i ripped the casing open and stuff. and shoved the internal hard drive into my PC, the sata and the random power thing....
    anyway i did that and when i pushed the power button....... it turned on for a millisecond and just everything turned off. i was like wtf???? we tryed this on my mates pc and this happened to my mates PC to... :(
    Soo i really need these files and i was wondering wat i would need to do??? maybe i could buy the same moddle and replace the harddrives maybe that would work????

    Do u guys think the hard drive is dead??? if soo do u think there is a way to get the files back without opening the harddrive itself??????

    Hope u guys know ur stuff beacuse i'm acually out of ideas.....

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