you may have seen my thred on how to increase my pc internet speed. i have been thinking about getting a wireless router. is this all i need for my net to work for wireless internet connectivity? and is it fast?
to go wireless you need either a wireless router, or a wireless USB adaptor connected to the system that is directly conected to the router Edit: i think wireless is slower than wired, check this [google]wireless speed[/google]
How to setup a wireless Connection and its requirements... Check [link=]this thread[/link] and u will get a good idea out of it...
Standard wifi 54g connections are fast enough for any home internet connection, you won't see a slowdown in internet speed, however if you're transferring large files over the network locally, then you'll notice a difference in speed. If you already have a wired router, then you do not need a wireless router. Instead you need a wireless access point which can connect to your existing router. Otherwise you'll need a wireless router.