Wierd goings on in Add Or Remove Programs

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by Willz, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Hey, Ok, well i recently had a super bad attack of viruses and spyware, i managed to get rid of it, but then, i go to uninstall some programs from Add Or Remove programs, and everyhting is still listed there, but inbetween the programs, is this super long black, with white lines, i dunno what it is, weather its an error with a file, i dunno if it was to do with the attack of spyware and viruses as it could of been there before, but still, i would like to get rid of this as its so annoying having to scroll all the way down, and i dont like the look of this wierd stuff.

  2. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    I had issues with Add/Remove programs the other day but not like that!

    All my program were missing bar about 10. (im guessing out of about 30)

    Try booting into safe mode and see if its still there.
  3. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Ok, will try that, i rekon this black crap i am getting is something like 80times larger than the actual area the programs take up.

    Right, went into safemode, still there, i also ran itno another wierd problem, i tried to enter the administrator account, that required me to enter a password, it wouldent let me enter a password, it was just blank even when i tried to type, and then even when i tried to press the go button the same thing still happened :s.

    These problems seemed to be here for quite a while i rekon.

    But when i tried to repair windows, it missed quite alot of files when isntalling start menu items, and this was even when i put the windows xp cd stuff onto a clean disc, so something is wrong here. I would rather not have to do a fresh install totally of windows, i have tried the disc in a virtual machine and it isntalled perfectly, so i am wondering if there is a problem with the setup, as when i tried to browse for the files when the error messages came up, i could clearly see the files, but even when i clicked on then and even then when i pressed ok, the setup still said it could not find those files :s.
  4. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Format is probably the best solution. You can't be sure all of the viruses/spyware are gone, and most likely it was them that caused this.
  5. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    damnn, i was thinking of a format now anyway, just using Nlite to see best slimline i can do for windows and testing it in vmware, then i will format.

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