win 2000 shutdown problem

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by efx2003, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. efx2003

    efx2003 Big Geek

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    windows millenium shutdown problem.

    I am running win millenium on my laptop. When I try to shutdown I get a bluescreen that says:

    File name: vwin32 (05) + 000012d0 error: 0e : 0028 : c02a44a8."

    This happens everytime I try to shutdown.

    What could of caused this and how can it be fixed without using the recovery disk. Please help

    Thank You
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    I hope you have the problem fixed :) if not try updating windows.

    Though I highly suggest updating to XP or trying out linux on the laptop!
  3. efx2003

    efx2003 Big Geek

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    I am going to do a full install of win 2000 pro. Thanks for the help

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