Hello all, I use a Toshiba tecra 8000 laptop as a backup m/c. I run win 2000. Suddenly the O/S doesn't recognise the detachable FDD - attempts to use windows default fdd drivers result in error code 31. Can anyone help? Thank you.
You may want to back up your registry before doing this!!!!!! Log onto your computer as administrator. I'm not sure if deleting that key as an admin fixes it for all (I don't recall exactly where the key is), so we'll trick it. Log in as administrator, run regedt32. Find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Navigate to that key and select it. At the top, select scurity and then permissions. On that dialog box, make you an authorized user with full-access to that key. You may need to uncheck the box at the bottom allowing the key to inherit properties from it's parent keys. Now, log back in on your user-name and follow the directions from M$... BE VERY CAREFUL doing this! I'd hate for you to really screw up you computer. ONLY work with the key you need to delete, since you'll be deleting it, changing the security permissions will have a null effect once it's gone...