Windows XP recovery- need help!!

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by Kal, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. Kal

    Kal Geek Trainee

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    Hi, first of all I would like to make it clear that I am a complete novice so please bear with me! :)

    I recently went to do a 'full system recovey' on my HP Pavilion 423. As the computer rebooted and started the recovery process I switched it off. (stupid, I know) Anyway, I had to reinstall windows XP, from a disk i borrowed, on to the C: drive to be able to get on the PC but didnt overwrite the recovery partition (D). What I want to do is a 'system recovery' to restore all the factory settings from the D drive, where I assume the image for my PC still is.

    As I no longer have the 'HP system recovery' option in the start menu I dont know how to do this.

    As I said, I am a complete novice but the D drive still has 1.95 GB of memory on it so I assume that this is where the image of my PC is?? but I dont know how to start the recovery process again. is it possible it uses a program from the original XP (on the c: drive) which I have wiped?

    Many thanks to anyone who can help!
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    Hi welcome Kal :)

    when you boot keep pressing F10 that should bring up a recovery menu, from there you should be able to recover?! I'm not sure as I remember reading about it...

    did you not get a recovery CD?
  3. Kal

    Kal Geek Trainee

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    Thanks Sniper, no they dont give winows CD's anymore, thats why they have the hard drive partition apparently?, so you can just recover using the d drive instead of a cd.

    The F10 key did work as i used it once before but I think as I've reinstalled a different windows XP to the one that came with the computer, it doesent work anymore.....

  4. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    can you access the image on the partition, what extension is it?

    what you need to do is, find a program which will let you restore the image onto the C drive. The C drive will have to be empty which means you will have to format the current install.

    but before you do that we have to find a way to restore the image file from DOS.
  5. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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  6. Kal

    Kal Geek Trainee

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    Thanks again sniper. The image on the partition is D drive. I did format the C: to reinstall windows and from within Windows the D drive (recovery drive) shows that it is full of stuff but I cannot find a .exe file to run, which I have been told I should look for....

    When i do the system recovery, wouldnt it format the C drive anyway as part of the recovery process?
  7. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    I don't think it would format C drive as part of the recovery but I'm not sure about that! Is there something important on the image? If you’re current install works fine I don’t see the need to recover at all, unless it has software you might need?

    You say that the D drive is full, which are there any files on the D drive that you can see? Could you list them here? Or there extension e.g. .gif .jpg etc

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