Hi, first of all I would like to make it clear that I am a complete novice so please bear with me! I recently went to do a 'full system recovey' on my HP Pavilion 423. As the computer rebooted and started the recovery process I switched it off. (stupid, I know) Anyway, I had to reinstall windows XP, from a disk i borrowed, on to the C: drive to be able to get on the PC but didnt overwrite the recovery partition (D). What I want to do is a 'system recovery' to restore all the factory settings from the D drive, where I assume the image for my PC still is. As I no longer have the 'HP system recovery' option in the start menu I dont know how to do this. As I said, I am a complete novice but the D drive still has 1.95 GB of memory on it so I assume that this is where the image of my PC is?? but I dont know how to start the recovery process again. is it possible it uses a program from the original XP (on the c: drive) which I have wiped? Many thanks to anyone who can help!
Hi welcome Kal when you boot keep pressing F10 that should bring up a recovery menu, from there you should be able to recover?! I'm not sure as I remember reading about it... did you not get a recovery CD?
Thanks Sniper, no they dont give winows CD's anymore, thats why they have the hard drive partition apparently?, so you can just recover using the d drive instead of a cd. The F10 key did work as i used it once before but I think as I've reinstalled a different windows XP to the one that came with the computer, it doesent work anymore..... Thanks.
can you access the image on the partition, what extension is it? what you need to do is, find a program which will let you restore the image onto the C drive. The C drive will have to be empty which means you will have to format the current install. but before you do that we have to find a way to restore the image file from DOS.
Thanks again sniper. The image on the partition is D drive. I did format the C: to reinstall windows and from within Windows the D drive (recovery drive) shows that it is full of stuff but I cannot find a .exe file to run, which I have been told I should look for.... When i do the system recovery, wouldnt it format the C drive anyway as part of the recovery process?
I don't think it would format C drive as part of the recovery but I'm not sure about that! Is there something important on the image? If you’re current install works fine I don’t see the need to recover at all, unless it has software you might need? You say that the D drive is full, which are there any files on the D drive that you can see? Could you list them here? Or there extension e.g. .gif .jpg etc