I am with the worst isp ever aol. I have bought a new laptop all singing all dancing and trying to go wireless with it . I have a thomson 580 speedtouch router. the problem is that i keep getting disconnected. I no longer use aol i use mozilla firefox and get my emails through outlook express but still get cut of after about 30 mins. any ideas before i through this router in the river tay. ps if my speeds are 288 up /1024 down is that 1mb connection
I not clear on what your problem is, is it the Internet connection that goes dead or the wireless connection?
the wireless connection drops speed starts at 54 mbps then goes down to 1 then drops off. signal strenth excellent
Could it be a power problem? Maybe as the battery strength on your laptop gets low the performance of the wireless card gets reduced accordingly. Just an idea, other than that I have no idea what could be causing your problem.