New Profile Posts

  1. dayakar
    dayakar BoBBYI986
    hello this is dayakar.
    i have a big problem. unfortunatly i format my computer hole disk in to one partition, but previous 4 partitions and those are have very valiable data. so please please help me how to get my previous partion as it is with total data.

    Thank & Regards
  2. mip0
    I like money! Who's visiting this site?
  3. phmag
    phmag MegaShark
    Hey, did you ever have any luck with the s7110 random restarts....seems I have the same thing....
  4. jinggoy1400
    Hi, Maybe somebody can help me on my Rocketfish 3.5 SATA HD enclosure RF-AHD35. My problem is I can't install my Barracuda 7200 HD 120GB. Is there a SATA connector inside the enclosure? Because the one I purchased online doesn't have any. I would appreciate if anybody can help.
  5. bjs
    bjs Hyperion
    Hello fren how r u?
  6. pcnewbie26m
    pcnewbie26m Anti-Trend
    hi how do i delete my duplicate message i posted it by mistake
  7. cube_
    cube_ Chip
    The pleasure was all mine, friend. It is because of attentive, prudent people like you that i continue to advise and share my knowledge. For what it's worth, we all started through trial and error. We grow stronger from it. And to help you through it all, we'll always be here to help you.
    I appreciate your sincerity, keep in touch friend.
  8. Chip
    Chip cube_
    Just wanted you to know how helpful your tutoring has been for me. It's a real bite when one buys a reconditioned PC being on a strict budget like I am. There's little tech support that I get so I mostly have to learn by trial and error. My technical knowledge with computers is just enough that I'm not a complete imbecile, but also just enough to get me into lots of trouble if I'm not careful. I feel very fortunate that I found a forum with a motivated helper like you to assist in getting me through my latest PC adventure. The best of luck to you!
    1. Random Person likes this.
  9. hardhit77
    hardhit77 santapg
    high i have a problem with my laptop. It will power up the fan runs but the screen does not come on, and i do not hear the hard drive moving. Can you please give me directions on how to diagnose this issue. I think i have a catastrofic hardware failure, but i want to be sure before i condemn the laptop.
  10. saurabh1jadhav
    i surfe net last week and found out that bitdefender is no.1 antivirus. i download it(trial version) and since then the PC has become very when i tried to uninstall it it is nt uninstalling saying some installation i have 2 anti-virus
    (kaspersky & Bitdefender) in which bit defender services r nt it OK?
  11. Rasheed
    plz can any one help how to repair a hard disk drive?
  12. Stepron
    Blank LCD screen on Laptop, although computer is trying to go on line, Screen lost whilst trying to set-up a BT voyager 1055 USB stick. Any ideas welcome.
  13. Sniper
    Sniper II Gorn II
    happy birthday dude
  14. Ferg
    Ferg Sniper
    Cheers buddy
  15. Sniper
    Sniper Ferg
    ok will do, but you might get logged out. (just so you know)
  16. Ferg
    Ferg Sniper
    Fair enough - can you change my name to Ferg while your at it ^_^
  17. Sniper
    Sniper Ferg
    i'm just messing with the colors, so might be different in a bit.
  18. Ferg
    Ferg Sniper
    Aww you made premium names slightly lighter blue - I thought it was orange hehe
  19. Sniper
    Sniper Ferg
    sounds pretty cool man
  20. Ferg
    Ferg Sniper
    Haha, my bad maybe get a 'wall to wall' thing going on ^^ - not too long just a couple of years, am lucky to be in an area (geographically speaking) with little competition and where reputation means everything. Think if i'd stayed in a city i'd be working for some company by now.