New Profile Posts

  1. ashinms
    Overclocking again...
  2. Carl Holcomb
    Carl Holcomb herp derp
    I'm surprised you managed to make an account with a incompetent as you are. I will ask you once, stop spamming me.
  3. cube_
    An end to a beautiful summer...
  4. Carl Holcomb
    Carl Holcomb
    Mastaforga (me) explains the inner workings of hardware to help people find the facts.
  5. mumtaz amir ranjha
    mumtaz amir ranjha
    Computer Hardware Servics
  6. apoc
    apoc cube_
    Hi Mr. Big Geek,
    Check the Apple forum, got a question about adapters there in that Apple LED cinema display thread (last post).
    Thanks in advance, you godlike geek!
  7. Pieter Meintjes
    Pieter Meintjes cube_
    Hi,I am thinking of buying a GTX 550 TI and a new motherboard but would like your opinion on which board?And could you also help me with a decent cpu?

    The reason I am asking you is it seems you know what you are talking about and my knowledge on pc hardware is not that good LOL.

    Thank you in advance.
    PS.any advice on memory?I was thinking on DDR3/5.
  8. Gary Cheng
    Gary Cheng
    What's up all? I'm a big fan of AMD and ABIT. I'm also sausage and eggzimom.
  9. Gary Cheng
    Gary Cheng
  10. Snarehair
  11. Snarehair
    Snarehair cube_
    i bought a laptop for school and have recently gotten into pc gaming. but college is expensive so i dont have a ton of money to build my own system yet. i can run champions online but the graphics quality is terrible. is there a graphics card that will run in my computer. the link to my system is posted in the next comment
  12. infernal992
    infernal992 cube_
    1. cube_
      hey if you have the funds, go for it! It has larger bits so it's better.
      Jun 18, 2011
  13. Sniper
    Made good progress on the "my computers" feature over the weekend :)
    1. Carl Holcomb
      Carl Holcomb
      Can you explain what you mean by "progress on my computer" are you doing a hardware or software change... I just find this interesting :3
      Sep 6, 2011
    2. Sniper
      Its a feature for this website, allows you to list your computer/s , add images, let people "Like" it etc just not had the chance to finish it yet.
      Sep 6, 2011
    3. Carl Holcomb
      Carl Holcomb
      amazing, i will be patiently awaiting
      Sep 7, 2011
  14. cube_
    cube_ Dan49
    sick avatar!
  15. Sniper
    started work on "My computer(s) feature" not sure how long it will take.
    1. cube_ likes this.
  16. David Zhou
    David Zhou
    The one in the middle is me,in this picture, I was in IFSEC South India 2011
  17. Manolis
    Security is essential
  18. cube_
    check out the new banner...
  19. Ghostman 1
    Ghostman 1 Sniper
    Oh ! Thats cool...Thanks for telling me..
    1. Sniper
      no problem man!
      May 8, 2011
  20. Ghostman 1
    Ghostman 1 Sniper
    Nope never used twitter before... So enlighten me ....
    1. Sniper
      Its a considered a good thing when someone follows you because their interested in what you have to say on the forums.
      May 7, 2011
    2. Sniper
      I'm sure google can help you discover what twitter is :)
      May 7, 2011