if i do decide to redesign a cooler for it, would just be a tut., (im not planning on keeping this card long trying to decide what card i do want...
i was thinking using some old heatsinks ,and was considering using LED fans but still not sure what im going to do with it yet
it is the latest bios version of this motherboard, and ya an RMA would be amazing, but the bored is like 4 years old, and yes the drives worked...
i was looking on google last night, and im really not that worried bout the card being quite, just want something different for the card till i...
i have, ive tryed a few things, the drive is seen while the PC boots and the OS sees them but can't use them, yes they are formatted to correspond...
so been having problems with the SATA ports on my motherboard, i will try to explain it as best i can, it doesn't matter if it's a new or used...
any one know of or have done any mods to a GPU cooler? that doesn't LOOK SUPER GHETTO or tweekerish?
im seriously gonna keep that $20 case in mind, its the top pic so far for price size and internal/external space :)
came across this guy eariler http://www.frys.com/product/6678444#detailed if its in stock is it worth it.................18 bucks seriously?
theres a dual socket 940 motherboard but i think going back to the 940 is a downgrade
GPU over heating?
my issue is and probably will be alot of other peoples issue, when you buy a case like that thermal take, and pay that much for it id have a real...
ive been looking around, im looking for something kinda like this http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=ATX-W1...
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