I saw a couple of LED monitors in my local computer store, they were made so thin that they didn't have vesa mounts at the back. I hang my monitor off the wall with a vesa mount as I have a small desk and need to create as much space on the desk as possible. This was one of my annoyances with LED right now.
I found the power supply needed for this monitor.. take a look. Look at the six photo.. http://www.amazon.com/Apple-Cinema-23-inch-Flat-Panel-Display/dp/tech-data/B0002ILKNQ/ref=de_a_smtd
You'll need to buy some cord from the APP store ... and will give you the abillity to connect it to your PC ... Good luck ...
It is not the cord I need, But the power adapter/supply... There is NO apple store in my area.... Plus this part new is well over $100.00 bucks new.. Thanks anyway...