I get 5890 with the following, MSI KT3 ULTRA ARU XP 1900+ 256MB 266MHz DDR 60 Gb Deskstar PNY GF4 MX 440
Sounds about right. And, yes, that GF2 MX400 is definitely your bottleneck. What gaming you do and how much if it should play a big role in deciding if you get a faster vcard.
well that's it right now it'S just enough for me, I can play every game I have with the details maxed, my next card will probably be a Ti chipset and I'd like to go GF4 so it'll be worth it but right now I'm pretty happy with what I have
My friend gets a 3250 (3DMark2001SE) score with a Athlon XP 1600+, a Asus GF2 MX 400 (V7100 Pro I think the model is), 256 of PC2100, his board is a gigabyte with a kt266 chipset which would be a GA-7VTX because according to www.viaarena.com it is the only gigabyte board made with a kt266 chipset, he runs win me. I'm wondering why he has a higher score than me, I read somewhere(I don'T remember where) that asus uses faster memory, do not know if it's true. I know my ABIT uses 5.5ns memory. Is it because this card made by asus is faster ? or is it because he has win me ? or a combination of the two ? or anything else ? I know it's not that faster compared to my score but I was just wondering. It is clear that in this case, the cpu is not an issue, nor the memory.
The 1.6A overclocks quite easily, and I was able to goto a 145MHz FSB with the RAM asynchronously 33MHz faster for 178MHz RAM @ CAS 2. My motherboard is the Iwill P4D with the Intel 845E chipset. It's not the newest board, and I don't even think it can be purchased anymore (don't hold me to that). The P4's FSB scales pretty high. There were a lot of people hitting 2.4GHz no sweat with these ones. @ harrack52: WinME is faster, but less stable. I wouldn't touch that OS with a 10ft pole. It's the reason I went to Win2k after a month of use. The Asus may be clocked faster, but I think Hercules was the only company to OC their card a little right off the bat, and that was with their plain GeForce 2 MX (no 200/400 stuff).
ok no I woudn't change os just to get a better 3DMark score, it's not like I can't run my games or notice that difference, if I want better performance I'll just change my card !
heya guys pc spec : 2.4b , intel mobo , 1gb ddr 2100 , creative nvidia gforce4 ti 4400 oc @ 300/600 Mhz <<<<11611>>>> 3d mark 01 score im gonna get a new rig within a month or so these are my spec Amd athlon xp 2600+ , Asus A7N8X King Max 512 DDR333 Silent Volcano 7 Hercules radeon 9700 pro heheh i gonna over clock the hell out of this system 15k ? above !!
I'd say more than likely. The 9700 Pro is about the fastest thing you can buy right now, and the nForce 2 is the king of performance in the Socket A arena. I haven't paid as much attention to benchmarks as I used to, but the reviews did quite well at stock speeds. I wouldn't doubt 15k would be doable, and with OC'ing, you might get even more. Just remember to get 2 sticks of DDR. Also, if you're looking to OC, it might be wise to get something faster than DDR333. Try DDR400 or 433 (PC3200 and PC3500, respectively). You'll pay more, but you'll be glad you did in the end.
Wrong, wrong and WRONG again. The Nforce2 isnt the best chip, its all a depending on what your doing. I'm not much a of a gamer, and sure its been proven that the Nforce2 Is BUILT for gaming, but the Kt400 chipset offers AMAZING stability if its cooled correctly with ASIII or AS-Ceramic. My KT400 board BLOWS away the nfroce under huge loads. Since i transfer huge files to external drives, the Nforce cant keep up with it, and its been proven on my friends system, that the KT400 blew away the Nfroce st transfering huge loads. I do graphic design and 3D modeling, and i'm doing 5 GB's at a time sometimes and the KT400 rocks, hence why I didnt go With EPoX or Abit on this one. EPoX is in my other machine. With My geforce 4 TI4200 128MB, I got 14, 941 score. But its in my other rig now. Unfortunatley. With my current system I get 11 842.
From the dungeon: Gigabyte GA-7VAXP Ultra (KT400) Athlon XP 2000+ Radeon 8500LE All stock speeds. Score: 8427 I hope to get ahold of a trace pen so I can unlock the L1 bridges (defogger is a pain to deal with), and get a better FSB to start with. Unfortunately, the 8500 is my bottleneck, and I can't just go buy everything new that comes out either. I'm having fun with this, tho...
Pentium 4a 2ghz @2.4ghz 120fsb 512mb PC100 @ 120mhz WD 80gb 8mb cache hdd GeForce 4 mx420 166:250 mem:core @ 215:330!!! a score of 4900 Thats at 1024x768x32.
Sounds like you got some pretty nice PC100 there. You might get a little more performance if you can lower the memory timings. I'm not sure if you'd notice it with that video card, but it might be worth a shot if you haven't tried it yet.
Thats set at 2-2-3. The fastest I can get it to go, also on turbo2. For some reason I cant go past 125fsb no matter what voltage, timings or turbo setting im on. Even if I change the pci ratio to 1:4 pci:fsb it still wont go. I think the RAM just wont go much further no matter what. The only other thing is the cpu but I reckon I could still get 2.6 out of it even with the stock hsf. Ive since got 5100 with the new nividia drivers and with no graphics card overclocking I get 3800 tops!
I'm not sure if you're running into a RAM limitation or a CPU limitation and could be a combination of both. The stock P4 'sink is one of the best you can have. Since the GeForce 4 MX's are basically higher clocked GF2 MX's, you really get your graphics performance creamed. If you want something for cheap with DirectX 8 support, you're probably not gonna get a better deal than the Radeon 8500/9000/9200 cards. Basically the same chip, except the 8500 was renamed to the other two with some variations in clock speeds.
My score in 3dmark2001se is 9614 with my new Radeon 9600 Pro. Is it equal to, below than or higher than the norm ?
Im guessing its slightly higher than the norm. If you have a score of 10,000 does it mean your comp is running twice as efficient as 5000? Basically, are the scores relative?