hehe my new system come soon see My Hardware time for some competition Extreme. (although more work my side)
17891 In 3DMark2001? ... With a X800XT? There's something wrong there.. should be in the 20K-30K range...
ROFL TBH!!! My new system PWNS!!! HAHA!!! http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8267386 12,076 in 3DMark2001SE 330
Hey my latest result in 2001se was 18301. with an X800 XT. <Look at my system How come it isnt higher? any suggestions
What type of memory are you using? (brand wise) If you have cheap generic memory that could well be setting you back on your scores..
Well thats good stuff so there should be no problem there, what PSU are you using? Model / Manufacturer.
Before delving into the possibilities of hardware problems i would make sure you have: Downloaded all available Windows Updates Downloaded all the latest: Motherboard Bios Motherboard Drivers / Chipset Drivers DirectX 9.0c / Graphics Drivers Audio Drivers e.t.c By the sounds of things something is bottlenecking your X800, it should be getting between 20,000 - 26,000 (perferably around the 22/23K mark) Make sure that your system is as clean of dust as possible, including the graphics card and AGP slot, all fans, general case area e.t.c. And when was the last time you did a clean reinstall? (ie format and install of windows or your OS?) - If you have not done this for awhile this could be holding you back.
I just did a google search and found something about the X800 XT bottle necking with anything lower than an Atlon XP 3200+ I got a Athlon XP 3000+. I think that might be the prob becuase the system has only been running for about 3 months and i keep it tip top.
well, it's because you need a 3200+ to bring out it's full potential. Anything lower and the FPS will drop. Just like any other video card. but your scores should by much much higher. Something's definately wrong
It is quite possible, a graphics cards worst enemy is a low FSB. If your running a 3000+ i would overclock alittle to get 3200+ which will mean only increasing the FSB an extra 5-10Mhz.. If you have a default heat sink and fan that came with your CPU or a cheap heat sink and fan (£10 / $25 or less) get something like the CoolerMaster Aero Jet 7+ or even better.. get a SLK900 or SLK800 (cant remember which fits the socket a better). Overclocking from a 3000+ to a 3200+ will make no major difference temperature wise to your computer(2-5C Higher Perhaps), you should quite easily be able to do it with the stock heat sink and fan, however if you did not really want to Overclock, i would highly recommend getting a new heat sink and fan, this will enable you to overclock with NO heat increase.. most likely even a drop compared to the temperatures of the dreadful stock HSF. :good: www.overclockers.co.uk - v.good cooling range (all v.good) On a brighter note: oh my god i LOVE this new system! Did abit of tweaking OC'd the TI4280 64Mb from stock 249/513 to 300/600 (without artifacts) and my new score: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8271320 13,393 in 3DMark2001SE 330 *YAY* And i put my TI4280 in my brothers AMD Barton 2500 mobile @ stocks (1.8ghz + 512mb kingston) and he gets 8343 :O BIG INCREASE! yay! (me = v.happy with new toy ) :beer:
WHOA tjis aint right! I just benchmarked it again and only got 15785 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im using 3dmark 2001 se is that what you guys are using. What settings are people getting 20-30000 on then. Im using 1024x768 32bit compressed textures and no anti-aliasing or however you spell it.
Those settings are fine, usually most people do not tamper with the settings and leave 3DMark2001SE to whatever settings it comes with.. as then everyone's scores are easily and fairly comparable.. I would highly suggest testing your memory with MemTest86 just to make sure that its fine.. I would also try and overclock your CPU to a 3200+ and see what the difference is, if your worried about temperatures, overclock alittle, then check your hardware monitor in your computers bios. If its alright then boot up.. you can check your temperatures in windows by using Motherboard Monitor. As i have said, if there is a bottleneck i would definately overclock to the 3200+ it is a VERY small overclock, if you increase the FSB by 5-10mhz (which is enough to get it to 3200+) and your memory doesn't like it, lower the FSB and increase the mutiplier by as minimal amount as possible. I will post a easy guide to overclocking safely later on..
Nice one Procal X that sounds like a good idea. Ive also decided to upgrade the heatsink to something a bit meatier. I was thinking of using that huge Coolermaster Jet 7 one what do you think? Oh and ninja i cant remember what drivers im using but i do know their not the latest because they caused problems with punkbuster in Call of Duty. I cant live without Call of Duty
I ran 3dmark2k1 for the first time with my new system and got 20477. 3dmark2k3 gives me 5974. Haven't tried 2k5 yet.