Hey! Can anyone help me have this card http://www.ixbt.com/video2/images/g70-9/gainward-7800gt-front.jpg and the cooler is not working anymore witch one of these should i buy? http://mp.imtec.ba/artikli/105113.jpg GHS-23 http://mp.imtec.ba/artikli/105112.jpg GHS-19 and there is also GHS 17, 13 and 11 Thank you!
I'd go with the GHS-19. It looks a lot lighter weight to me, IMO. I dunno... I've never actually seen one in real life. Unless your overclocking, I'd go with the lighter weight one to prevent damage to your PCI slot.
buy a new one , go you your computer's store , and but a new fan for your Vcard ... and next time don't ruin them