Yup you can choose the colour or your twike, not sure any orange ones exist yet, but you can be the first.
When you see it going it's more futuristic than retro. Although I could swear they based it off Slartybartfast's transport device in Hitchhicker's Guide to the Gaxaly. No, not the film, the TV Series, that ruled.
never seen it :s, i have only heardof the book, hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy. do tell me that thing goes into town, lol and shopping and stuff is done in it lol, everyone would look, point and laugh, well they would in chav central, were i live
Yup, pretty much everyone points at it as I drive around, no one really laughs, they're too busy looking shocked because no one has ever seen one before.
Yeah the TV show did rule:good:, how's the head room in that anyway, do you suppose a 6'7" guy like me could fit in it?
Well, I hate to rain on you guys' parade but there is one fundamental drawback to an electric car and it is a huge one. While I really like the styling,and the concept, think about charge time. When you have a car that runs on gasoline you can refuel in less than 5 minutes, whereas in the electric car you take probably hours to recharge.
1 and a half hours for a full recharge. But even a small recharge will be enough to keep you going. I went down to London a while ago for a convention where the Twike was one of the exhibits. We ran out of power about 3/4 of the way there, charged for 40 minutes and had plenty to get us there and almost half the way back.
The King Tiger Tank does 1mpg no matter how fast it moves, without acceleration as well. When they ran out of diesel they turned into stationary gun platforms until destroyed. (This has been a short lesson from someone who has studied the evolution of tank warfare extensively.)
fuel costs are rising and it ends up not being our fault but mostly the military's, seriously look at all these burns.