Can't see partition in Dynamic disk

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Sundeep, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. Sundeep

    Sundeep Geek Trainee

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    Finally I found the solution :D. I am not sure if this is exactly the solution, but it has worked beautifully and I've got all my data back, exactly as it was. Both partitions visible, accessible. Before I reveal how it happened, I would like to mention that it happened purely by accident.

    As I had lost all hope of recovering my data, I thought of trying out one last option of attaching the hard disk to a friend's computer to see what it showed over there. Then I thought of changing the value "07" on line 01C0, back to "42" before I attached the hard disk to another computer. The idea was to get the hard disk to its original state where the problem had occoured. So I did that using DskProbe and restarted the machine.... To my utter disbelief, as soon as Windows was loaded, two windows opened automatically. One each for the partitions named 50GB and 99GB. And all the data was there exactly as it was before :). It took me 5 minutes for the reality to sink in.

    What I could decipher from this (I'm not exactly sure if it is this way) was that by changing the value "07' back to "42", I 'forced' the computer to recognize the hard disk as a dynamic disk and with that also to recognize its inherent partitions. I don't care if this was precisely how it was supposed to be solved, but I've recovered all my data. Hope this will help anybody who finds himself/herself in such trouble :)
  2. thomas d j

    thomas d j Geek Trainee

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  3. live_up2012

    live_up2012 Guest

    Since you can not see partition in dynamic disk, so, I want say; if I were you, I will do as tomas d j said, convert dynamic disk to basic disk. That’s the direct solution to solve the problem you mentioned.
  4. jura Dodo

    jura Dodo Geek Trainee

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    Hello, I have almost the exact problem as you - my win7 OS disk failed and I'm left with a second disk which was dynamic. I have also used a hex editor to convert the 42 value in line 01C0 to 07, and it shows only one partition. has the conversion back to 42 worked on your own machine, or just when you plugged the HDD into friend's computer?

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