Thanks donkey, those are useful bits of info you gave me. Ubuntu looks like a great Linux to try, the examples sure make it look like a valid operating system. I saved it all so I don't lose it. Two of my software reasons for sticking with XP at least on one PC are An airfoil generating program that I use a lot, I don't know if it will run on Linux?. The second reason is that I am writing a book, I plan to try On Demand publication. MS Word is pretty universal and I sure didn't want to have a manuscript on a media that was going to be a problem to read. (Another point is that PCs and software evolve so quick that it is hard to keep up with it all. It is never going to be boring. I can't understand people who are bored in this World.)
it is, although personally i use Kubuntu, which is basically Ubuntu with KDE, i'm not keen on Gnome (Ubuntu's default window manager) well about 90% ish of Windows software will run in Wine although FAT32 partitions are not good but it is accessable from both Win & any linux version, then if you setup a dual boot, and access the same partition from any number of OS's true, linux certainly keeps you on your toes trust me, you will get bored & fed up with linux[ot]but stick with it, their will be times when you'll want to go back to XP, but don't, once you've gone penguin you'll love it, i'm 1 year on (linux as my only OS) and i never never want to use Windows again[/ot]
Okay guys, I probably won't be trying anythng new like Linux any too soon anyhow. I am trying to dicipline myself to finish a bunch of projects I already have going.
Um, I don't know about that. To be honest I know more about Windows than any of the other engineers I work with, yet I've been a dedicated Linux user for many years. I'd say that if you're looking for a version of Windows that doesn't suck, just keep holding your breath and see where it gets you. Cause yeah, it didn't get me anywhere. But if you're willing to try something that's nothing like Windows and stretch yourself a bit, Linux is a much, much better platform and a rewarding experience for all who are of the inquisitive persuasion.
hah: No! No! actually we mean to say that its hard to go with the linux in the begining and he will feel lyk going bak to XP again but if he stick with the Linux for somtime then he will never go bak...