Keyboard Shortcuts for some programs in linux Firefox CTRL+D CTRL+Enter F11 - Fullscreen mode, then F11 to return to windowed ctrl++ increase text size CTRL+N - New firefox window CTRL+T - New tab F5 - refresh web page CTRL+F - Find CTRL+l - Type url Konqueror CTRL++ or - (Plus (+) or Minus (-) (CTRL+-) Increase or Dectease font size CTRL+D - Duplicate window CTRL+Shift F - Full screen mode CTRL+Shift N - New tab CTRL+N - New window CTRL+O - Open location F6 - open location ALT+Up - go up a directory CTRL+U - view source Shift F11 - create new style Shift F3 - duplicate element CTRL+Shift F8 - fill text to frame F12 - Outline view F9 - Recalculete formulas CTRL+F1 - Show note F11 - Show style window F7 - Spellcheck F9 - Start slide show CTRL+F7 - Thesaurus-apps F5 - Toggle navigator Shift+F5 - Trace dependants CTRL+F5 - Trace precedents F9 - Update all fields Vim dd - Delete Line dw - Delete Word a - Enter Append Mode e - Enter Edit Mode ! - Execute Command Esc - Exit All Modes / - Find Forward :w - Save :q - Quit Apt sudo apt-get install (package) = install an individual pakage sudo apt-get remove (package) = uninstall package sudo apt-get update = update apts list of packages sudo apt-get upgrade = upgrade everything that is upgradable including system core packages sudo apt-get --purge package = completely remove a package including all it's config files a remove from the "installed" apt database A few Linux programs / Packages GUI's (Desktop Environments) - KDE, XFCE, Gnome, FluxBox CD burning - Arson, Gnome-Toaster, K3b, Gnome Baker, NeroLINUX (trial) Chat - Gabber, Gaim, Konversation, Kopete, Licq, aMSN, XChat VoIP - Skype, Sipgate, Vonage Databases - MySQL, PostgreSQL Desktop Publishing Writer, Scribus Email - Evolution, KMail, Kontact, Mozilla Thunderbird Media Players - Amarok, Kaffeine, Kino, Juk, Mplayer, RealPlayer, Totem, XMMS, Xine Newsreaders - Akregator, Mozilla News, Pan Image Editors - Gimp, Inkscape, Karbon 14, Kpaint Programming - Glade, Kdevelop, QT Designer, Anjuta Spreadsheets - Gnumeric, Kspread, OOo Calc Terminal - Gnome, Terminal, Konsole Text Programs - Emacs, GEdit, Joe, Kate, KWrite, Vim, Nano Browsers - Firefox, Galeon, Konqueror, Mozilla, Opera Web Editors - Bluefish, Mozilla Composer, Quanta Plus, Screem Word Processing - AbiWord, KWord, OOo Writer Package Managers - Adept, Synaptic, Aptitude, Labix (beta) some of the above programs may already be installed in your chosen distribution (although installing software is generally best done with a package manager if you wish to install any of the above programs, simply download to a directory (say: /home/<username>/Desktop/Software) and install by Code: cd /home/<username>/Desktop/Software (to change directories) then Code: sudo su to be a superuser (to allow software installation) Code: ./<package> to install A few linux commands cd - Change directory (e.g. cd /home/<username>/Desktop cp - copy a file/s (e.g. cp /etc/fstab /home/<username>/Desktop/fstab dir - lists the current directory exit - exits current terminal session halt - switches your computer off mount - makes a partition or device accessable (e.g. mount -t msdos /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7) mv - Moves or renames files (e.g. mv /home/<username>/Desktop/myoldfile.txt /home/<username>/Desktop/mynewfile.txt) ls - lists current diretory contents top - a process viewer pwd - print working directory rm - deletes file/s or directories (e.g. rm myfile.txt, rm -rf mydirectory su - switch user (e.g. su dave, no user swithes to root) passwd - changes your password mkdir - create directory (e.g. mkdir /mnt/hda7) chmod - changes permissions of files or direcories vim - starts Vim text editor (run vimtutor to learn vim) who - lists everybody logged into a computer reboot - restart computer Other Thread: Download Management Please PM me with additions also thanks to: Milanche, Karan, Matt555 for their contributions
Essential Linux for n(.)(.)bs Table of Equivalent Software Table of Equivalent Software - Libervis Wiki
Essential Linux for n(.)(.)bs Add these Cd burners Gnome Baker NeroLINUX (trial) Text programs Nano GUI Gnome KDE XFCE FluxBox Chat Skype aMSN XChat I'll give you some apps for P2P and torrent filesharing, too!!!
Essential Linux for n(.)(.)bs oops! u've got some wrong ones there Mr. Dave..... CTRL+N - New tab is actually not for a new tab but for New Window.... Ctrl + T is for new tab.... CTRL+k - Type search.....If you mean to find something then its...Ctrl + F coz that +k is not doing any action on my computer....FF
Essential Linux for n(.)(.)bs pwd - "Print Working Directory" - displays the current directory you're in. chmod - change permissions of files / directories / devices - to learn more on that take a look here top - a process viewer, download 'htop' for an interactive process viewer. Just a few more there.