Is there a way that a HD can not support NTFS. Cause when i install win2k on my 10gig it wont let me format into NTFS. i can install win2k on that 10gig with fat but not NTFS can someone point out a solution
Woah, that is weird! I guess you could try the /convert thing once you've installed Win2k and see if that fly's. I've never seen or heard something like this before, so this is a stab in the air at best.
i did I did that i also made 1 partition for 5gigs installed win2k went to computer management and tried to create another partition under NTFS and it didnt work lol. I dunno my parents HD is retarded or something lol
I really don't see the need to use NTFS unless you will be using the security features it provides? anyway have you tried using scandisk first? to scan/fix any errors, which might be causing the problem!
I've heard that Microsoft recommends using NTFS unless you are dual-booting with an OS that can't read NTFS (Win3.x/9x). While security is one reason, I know for a fact that it keeps your data safer in the event of an unexpected shutdown from lockups or power outages. The only time chkdsk has been run is when I've made it. Other than that, it hasn't had to check itself for error since.
98 on NTFS With what? The only utility I've heard of costs a few hundred bucks for read and write capabilities. Otherwise, it can't be done. I don't mean to insult you, but this is the only way you can do it. The Windows 9x OS's cannot read/write to NTFS without a 3rd party solution. Oh, and uh, how did you do this if you don't have this tool? I'm just a bit skeptical of this claim of installing 98 on NTFS.
d00d. Run Win2K or XP install, after createing partition, and formating it, restart! WOW!!!! WHAT A FREAKING HARD JOB TO DO!!!
Well, to be fair... As you seem so adament about this working, I'll take you up on that install and let you know if it works. Also, could you post a link or screenshot that can prove the filesystem you are using under 98 is in fact NTFS? How many systems have you done this on, BTW?
More questions Do you have any documentation to confirm this, especially from Microsoft? What is your setup that you have this working on? Can I have some of what you're smoking?
Yes, but he appears to be claiming that he can install 98 on an NTFS partition. I quote: "you know, 98SE will install on NTFS! I've done it, its not that hard." I'm not here to start fights, but I will challenge statements that I question. I want to see if this really works---which I believe it will about as much as I think space aliens exist. I could be wrong, though, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I haven't seen or heard of anything before that even hints at the possibility of what this guy claims. Let's just let this one play out, sniper.
If you were able to install 9x on an NTFS partition it would be worthless as the OS would not be able to see any files on the drive. I have never tried installing 9x on an NTFS partition but from everything I've learned in becoming an MCSE I'm 99.9% certain an install will fail and 100% certain only an NT based system will be able to read anything on the drive. Sniper actually there are quite a few reasons to go with NTFS, while security and encryption is one you also have the fact it's a journaling file system which is the reason 2K/XP feature a go back to last usable setting in case of a major system problem and the fact that it fragments less is a major reason to choose it or at least for me .
You know, every time that I have tried to install win 98 SE on a NTFS it won't let me. It brings up the option to install under fat 16 or Fat 32. Your cool and all LyNeX, but iI think your talkin out your ass and if you can prove to me that it works then I'll give you props. I think that K2bladesk8er should just try to reformat and install 2k again and if that doesn't work then you should bring it in and we'll take a look at it.
ok Syngod I am using what win2k starts in as to make the partition. Is there a diffrent program i can use. Black bart dude ill bring it in