As Big B said Partition Magic is probably the easiet way to add the partition providing you're able to part with $70 to obtain it, or if your going to take it in hopefully that will fix the problem. Or if you want to start over try this guide which will take you through step by step on installing 9x/2k together.
ok Ill try partion magic but im not spending the money ill just get it from someone lol. No reason in spending the money when i can bootleg it lol. Thanks ill keep u informed
I get all my software and games for free for every one that buys software, you are living in a world of hell. I don't buy software I get it for free Ha Ha. The kids in my class just share software back and forth. We have partition magic 6.0 and it was free.
Am I the only one here with legal copies of MS Software? To think Canada is so high up on the piracy list .
I have legal copies of my OS, games, etc., actually all the software I have on my PC's is legal. The student discounts help too.
Its kinda hard for us (K2 and Black) to pirate Partion Magic 6 when it's the schools backup of it I'm still running the beta version of XP, why buy it when the beta is running smooth as hell for me? And I highly doub't you pay for every game and OS you have Big B, and I actually agree with people that download games, It costs maybe $1 to make windows XP, and they charge 30000% more than that? Some people out there don't have the money to pay for an OS, so they go out and download it. Anyways, why download XP when its really nothing more than 2K Pro with some flashy colors? I run 2K and my mom runs the XP beta, by far 2KPro 0wnz.
Half the games I haven't paid for, well close to it, because of the hardware I've acquired has a lot of free games otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten this much. I've gotten my OS for cheap, and legal, same with office. My dad and I share a lot of software, so in that sense, yes, I am a pirate.
Oh, right. Well, I'd see if you could just borrow someone's boot disks for PM 7 if you don't want to buy it. There is a possibility the drive is going bad, so you may want to try checking out the manufacturers utilities to see if they have something to test the drives with.