HDD Problem (RIP?)

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Ratama123, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    Yee, I prefeer that instead the gold pins.

    The guy said the Nokia USB doesn't take energy from the USB :confused:
  2. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    Ah, fix: the guy is from Spain, I guess.
  3. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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    oh actually i think the usb powers the little board attached to the usb end like in the video.
    the only wires you use from the usb is for ground, tx, rx.
    the hard drive gets its power from the computer you connect it with.
    just make sure you use the usb with the same computer you use to power the hdd.

    if you see in the video it says to power the hdd with the sata power connector before starting the software part.
  4. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    Mm... I will use my computer's PSU for the HDD energy, and my mother's notebook (OS: XP) for the software work (and for connect the USB).. UNLESS, minixp from Hiren's Boot CD recognize the USB unit (Hyperterminal IS in minixp, I checked that).
  5. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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    you want your ground from your usb to be from the same power supply that powers the hard drive.
    using your psu from your computer and usb from your laptop don't share the same ground.

    " I suggest using +3.3v from the same power supply that you will use to power the hard drive (orange wire is 3.3v, black is ground). You can also use a 3V battery, or 2 or 3 AA's in series, etc. If using a battery, you must also connect the RS232-to-TTL adapter's ground pin to the hard drive ground pin, or it will not work. The two devices must share a common ground in order to communicate. If they're powered by the same power supply, then that will insure that they share a ground."

    even if you don't use the serial method the idea is the same.
    it may work i'm not sure. i'm just going based on the info that guy provided on that site.
    he claims it wont work unless they both share common ground.

    maybe you can borrow someone's computer that has sata power connection so you can do this.
  6. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    Yes, maybe I'll use my brother's computer (Windows 7 plus Putty). Same PSU, same ground.
  7. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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    yeah thats good. avoid using hirens/bartpe/winpe/etc. just use a pc with windows xp/vista/7 and go for it.
  8. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    I hope I can find CA-42 :p (or ttl adapter).
  9. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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  10. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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  11. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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  12. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    Today dolar is x4.10. So, $90 = 90/4.10 = U$22 approximately.
  13. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    U$22 vs U$1.99.

    Third world ftw!
  14. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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    yeah thats what i was going to say.
    i was thinking man your made of money and you need your data right away like a king. :D
    money or no money... just keep in mind that this may not fix your issue.
    if your controller card is bad from physical damage say from the electricity problem you had then this will have no effect.
    i would recommend to cut down on cost by getting it from china and if this doesn't work then last resort would be to get the exact drive and swap controller cards.
  15. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    Yes, I keep that in mind. Anyway, maybe I can find a cheap adapter (the Nokia USB is only U$5 or something like that).
    Is not big deal... I have priceless data in the device.
  16. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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  17. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    This doesn't wooooooooork.

    All OK, and HDD spinning, but... HYPERTERMINAL says something like: the connection cannot be established, and console doesn't start in Putty.
  18. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    Ok, now the problem is: when I press ctrl+Z, ASCII characters appears. I guess is a ground problem... now I'm using a notebook with XP and I have a external PSU giving energy to my HDD.
  19. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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    hey what did i tell you about the common ground? haha
    i suggest you try on another desktop with working windows and sata power connections.
  20. Ratama123

    Ratama123 Geek Trainee

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    We have a problem here :p.

    But yes, I need to find a computer with: sata power connections and windows XP.

    Thing is, in the last setup, if I connect ground from device to HDD I receive HSCII characters, but if I disconnect ground connection, I receive NOTHING. So, as I said, it must be ground problem.

    7.40 am here. Later I will call a few friends. If they don't have PSU with sata connection, I can use mine.

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