Help on home networking

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by betsy, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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  2. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    I think ive found your problem, look at page 8 in the "do I have everything in need" I doubt you’ve set up a 02 mobile web account..... I don’t even know what it is! But I would guess you need to pay to get it and its what allows you to access the internet through your phone.

    I live in Scotland, so I do Standard grades and ive had my results for nearly a month :)

    Technological studies = 1
    Computing = 1
    Chemistry = 2
    Physics = 2
    Maths = 2
    Economics = 3 (I have an appeal to get a 2)
    English = 3

    The marks work as 1 is the best you can get, 6 is the lowest grade and 7 is fail. 1 or 2 is a credit mark, 2 or 4 is a general mark, 5 or 6 is a foundation mark.

    Again, do you have a computer which stays @ home when you’re out with your laptop? [That has an always on internet connection]
  3. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Oh right, That could be quite difficult as I was going to keep swapping my sim cards to take advantage of the free wap usage. Maybe I should rethink that and just set it up on my contract sim.

    Oh thats good, I didnt know scotland had a different system. Well done you!

    Oops sorry, yes I do have broadband at my parents home which I could leave connected. Would this help? I was going to cancel it as I dont live there anymore.
  4. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    Right as i was saying before:

    You can use your phone as a modem, If you get a dialup modem (about £5) for The PC at your parents house you can call that computer from your laptop and get iaccess the internet throught that call

    Works Like this:

    Laptop<----->Mobile<-----> (line below)
    ############################Computer (@ parents)<-----> Internet
    Broadband<---------------> (line above)

    So you would be using your phone to 'call' the computer at your parents house to connect them (Network them), You can then bridge the connections between The Laptop (on the phone) and the Broadband

    Think of the Laptop and the broadband being roads on a separate side of a river, you can connect them together by building a 'bridge'

    Your parents might be a little annoyed at this as they wil not be able to use the phone when you are on the internet!

    Here's another idear, You Call your Boyfriends Computer (he must have a dialup modem) And you Can chat to him + go on the internet (if he has broadband) and it will tie up his phone! ;)
  5. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Right ok. I have a modem card thingy in the side of my laptop but my boyfriends Mom doesnt have anything on their laptop, only the broadband modem.
    This is an option but I think i'll ring o2 first to see if I can get them to set up a mobile account I think.
  6. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    hows it going? what did 02 quote?

    if having internet access isnt to important you could just use the free mins to call your boyfriend! and if he doent want the phone tied up while your calling you can set up a "skype in number" for around £20 a year.

    "skype" is like msn, but it uses voice... but you can still chat in text.

    you can "call" other computers for free (across the internet) and you can call "landline" numbers for VERY VERY small costs (€ 0.017 to any ANY country) its very cheap beacuse they have servers in just about every country in the world!

    works like this:
    computer ----> internet ----> skype server (in remote area/country) ----> phone lines in area/country

    It can also be set up so landlines can call your computer (it cost £20ish a year)

    phone lines ----> skype server ----> internet ----> computer

    you have to buy credit to call landlines or mobiles.

    the best option is for your boyfrined to set up a skype account and to but credit to call you as you can call a 02 mobile (UK) for £0.160 a min.

    you can download skype for free here .

    to see call rates to all countrys click here .
  7. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    Hi again. I rang o2. They weren't much help. They said my sim card/account was already set up for internet access. All I have to do is set my phone up and laptop and they said it will just be charged to my bill. Its the same access, 1mb free (or 250 pages) and then charged after that.

    My boyfriend could just call his Mom but I think it would be nice if he can see her while he talks to her.
    I read about skytype but I don't have a home phone line. My own internet connection at my Mom and Dads house has now been cancelled as I didnt use it.
    I think i'm making things harder for myself!!
  8. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    more info about o2 mobile web here,,141,00.html

    You use six sim cards, I'm sure you need to top-up each one to get the free text etc, so you should consider a contract from o2.

    what you are trying to do will cost alot of money, considering you will use the 1MB very quickly, even though its only "text" you are sending.

    back to your question

    which mobile are you using, also what settings have you used?

    currently I have mobile web setup on my mobile so I might able to help you out with the settings.

    Edit: Also I'm sure mobile web is only for contract customers and not PAYG. Did o2 say you could access the internet using PAYG?
  9. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    What i was suggesting was that your boyfriend sets up a skype account and calls your mobile from his computer.

    It will only cost £0.160 a min (to call a UK 02 mobile from skype), £10 of skype credit will give you 6,250 mins of talking time, That 104 hours!!!
  10. betsy

    betsy Geek Trainee

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    I have used the o2 product and service guide, thats where I got all of my information from to put into my phone and laptop.
    Ok, this is a long story. My boyfriend moved from Northern Ireland, I had 6 pay & go sims to text him so I could get more free texts but I also have a contract sim with o2 for everyday use. Now he has moved here I don't use the 6 but I would if I could use them for the internet.

    I have a Samsung D500.

    I don't think thats really an option, my bf would be using my laptop and he wouldn't ask his Mom to pay for SKYTYPE as well as the internet that he made her get! Thanks though.

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