Hmm what to tweak, what to tweak?

Discussion in 'Overclocking & Cooling' started by FishyWishy, Mar 27, 2004.

  1. FishyWishy

    FishyWishy Geek Trainee

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    yeah i looked all over the website, wasnt very helpful, oh well i spose ill have to live with a noiseless HDD, my life is so hard.
  2. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    You're exactly right B. Win2K is *EXACTLY* the same as XP for all intensive purposes, except for a few window dressings (no pun intended). All of the "new" features in XP are really not features, but stripped down versions of retail software which are integrated into XP. [Warning! Rant Alert!] For instance, crippled Roxio burning software, Pinnacle movie editing software that can only output 1 filetype (WMV), Winzip that has no extended features, etc. Instead of having to install the full (real) versions of this software, you have integrated, stripped-down, sloppy, resource-hungry versions of the same software already included in XP! Whoopie! You also have some broken features that didn't do incredibly well in Windows ME that were carried over into XP. System restore anyone?

    Bottom line: 2000 Pro is actually BETTER for games than XP. Mose people use XP because they have OEM copies.

    Disclaimer: I apologize for the animosity I display against Windows XP, but as a technician I have to fix it far too often to like it. It seems to be the new "Windows ME"; bane of all things stable. If you sense a cynical tone in my monologue, please chock it up to having seen System Restore and XP Service Pack 1 crash more XP machines than viruses.
  3. FishyWishy

    FishyWishy Geek Trainee

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    yeah i only just noticed that i dont really use any of the features it comes with.. that does it! *formats HDD and installs 2K* oh crap my files! nothing really pisses me off more than windows' version of winzip .. grr windows .. grr ...ok when i get the time i'll strip all my crap off and do a new install, i didnt actually do that when i changed Changed mobo's anyway, spose i should .. maybe thats where my performance is going .. hmm
  4. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Yeah, I'm to the place now where I'm able to either fix the problem without a reinstall or live with it. When I put in a new mobo, I always reinstall Windows.

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