Internet through the electricty grid, is it worth it?

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Wouter, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    wait, Hi-Fi speakers in diffo room, so i could have Hi-Fi in diffo room and get music on it from my computer, how, that could stop the neighbours from pissing me off bout them complaining about my noise!
  2. Wouter

    Wouter Big Geek

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    Well, after evaluating all of the options and researching a lot of info, I made the decision to try out these HomePlug things. I imagined dozens of situations, but in order to get the experience I want, I would have to replace all 802.11b devices with faster wireless stuff... And even a Wireless router that's powerful enough to help is still more expensive thant 2 or 3 of these Homeplug Network Adapter things...

    So all in all, I think this is probably the best solution for me after all. If it works as advertised, that is...

    I sent a mail to the companies making this stuff to see how well they react and if that's not too disappointing, I'll go on ahead and try it. I'm interested in new techology anyways, so I'm kind of curious to be able to try it out. And if it turns out to be garbage, at least I'll be a bit wiser smile.gif

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