that is exactly what the Vista Transformation pack looks like and it chages everything as u can see in my screen shots on page one!
i dont use VTP, takes too much hassel to install . On the screenshot, my computer looks preety much like the other windows except for its got all drives and stuff obviously
well with VTP all u have to do is check a couple of option and then click finish, its not that hard, but then agian i have never tried ur version so i don't know if its better or worse
Window blinds is better if it can doo all VTP can do, i mean, it allows oyu to change the colours, tweak various settings, download thousands of other skins too.
Yea, there is a 30day free trial, thats what i use, i been using it for about a year now, you see, i never manage to keep from a re install of windows XP for more than 30 days
lol that would work, but i don't like uninstalling it becuase everytime i do i end up having to call microsoft and then deal with the stupid robot so i hate it. But i like the transformation pack, what things does ur program change? just like skins and folders and stuff or is it a complete changer over the VTP
so it does not change to folders or anything or is there something that u can download that will do that for u? becuase i have dial-up so it takes me a long time to download anything.
ya, thats what i ment, sorry, lol i don't know what i said but with the VTP the folder icons change so they are standing up and they are like 3d and from ur screen shots it does not look like they changed at all so i was wondering if it changed them and u just chose not to or if it does not at all
Nah, it never changed the icons, but i aint bothered about some icons really, there are applications that can change the icons like, i think icon packager is one, but i think that also costs but it might have a 30 day free trial though, dont know if its for making icons aswell, proberbly is, i think with windowblinds your able to make your own skins too which is good, but i wont try that, i will leave it to the pro's
Longhorn wont be as good though, its older than Vista transformation pack, Longhorn one was made by same people too.
Have u tried it yet???? I dnt think so..........hah: Try it once, its like VTP but it gives more options on changing appearences....! Also like VTP its free...:good:
idk lol i still like the VTP, and they have updated it a lot, but i have never tried these other programs but i have changed things enough and im happy with this