If you followed most walkthroughs online, you usually won't end up with a .deb file. It's more a 'make && make install' endeavor, where it installs directly without consulting the package manager. User Debian's "kernel-package" utility if you wish to build a kernel deb file.
ok, i'll try, because i ran "make" so i'll do "make install" before installing HWF kernel BTW: you must have the patience of a saint (like me, i won't quit until i know / understand whatever, my latest (self assigned) quest is GIT obviously not forgeting stuff like kernel) BTW: i've decided, i love learning, not the finding out stuff i don't know but the smug feeling you get from knowing something someone else does't know at all, so you have to sum everything up in a few words to inspire / help someone figure it out so you must feel great cos you know more than most on HWF
Whoops, gotta be more careful with what I say; I wasn't being literal. First off, I don't recommend installing a kernel with 'make install' in Debian at all, since it will just make an unecessary mess of things. Second, even if you were to do it that way, you've got to do several make operations before make install, including 'make modules' and 'make bzImage'... :O ...or you could just try the HWF kernel, heh!
woo woot, hurray, at last, i'm on HWF kernel, about bl00dy time BTW: nothing unexpected happened, just reinstalled grx drivers for HWF kernel, piece of p1ss now BTW: proof: Code: uname -a Linux 445473 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 25 03:38:12 PDT 2009 i686 GNU/Linux yippee[ot]yeah i know it's bullsh1t, but i don't care[/ot]i'm on HWF custom kernel (rolled by AT) shut up, i'm happy so leave me alone BTW: thank you very much[ot]the letters on my keyboard are still fading from saying thank you to you[/ot]
w00t, nice job. What's your impression so far? Nice, did you use sgfxi to install them? Hehe, you're more than welcome. I feel desktop Linux really isn't all it can be until you run a low-latency kernel on it.
can't really tell cos everything else is :swear:ed up e.g. i experimented with SELinux, so there's SELinux stuff all over, and the same with MLDonkey & i've been half way through a Deby respin for ages, basically there are bits of almost everything i've ever played with all over BTW: good job i don't use Win anymore cos it would just give up on me (including Vista, which i've killed many times by using it like MS say you can) i'm more like any computers worst nightmare, and on Linux i'm even worse cos it lets me do whatever i like , but to answer your question, it seems fairly similar to before are you sure your not watching / monitoring my box ? cos yeah well if i ever get around to cleaning the crap out of it i'll let you know BTW: should have said to begin with that i seriously abuse my box, Linux is great cos i can do anything and it just smiles and takes it BTW: even though i don't know you, i trust you more than someone that i've met and known for years, anyway, i'd better shut up cos i do go on a more than a lot, anyway cheers :beer:
Well, I can help you with that SELinux stuff right now: Never run it on a desktop! Even on a server, it can be a bit of a PITA. On a desktop, it's just plain unmanageable. Just disable it, uninstall it, and breathe a sigh of deep relief.
well you make it sound easy but SELinux is just one of many e.g. Reconstructer (for *buntu) at the time i was trying to respin of Deby with it and i nearly achieved it i just created a script to run before reconstructor Code: sudo mkdir <reconstructor>/usr/bin cp /usr/usr/bin/sudo <reconstructor>/usr/bin/sudo sudo mkdir <reconstructor>/etc cp /etc/sudoers <reconstructor>/etc/sudoers cp <Ubuntu Install>/etc/lsb-release <reconstructor>/etc/lsb-release anyway i got distracted and never finished it (as usual) yes there probably is something for Deby but how much fun would that be ? BTW: don't worry about it, i'm not, it works
Eek! Piece of free advice there amigo... might be better to run sketchy experimental labs like that in a virtual machine instead of on your production system. That way you can always blow it away or revert to an earlier snapshot if something goes all raphus ineptus on you.
that made me laugh, but actually i'm learning all the way cos if i hadn't done that i wouldn't know that "sudo" is actually a file in /etc/ & lsb-release only contains distro release ver anyway it still works so :swear: it it might seem like an extreme way of learning what files do what but i've always learnt stuff in a kind of "ass about" way besides, it more fun if theres a possibility you could :swear: it all up BTW: still laughing
Well, suit yourself! :chk: To me though, it's a bit like introducing sharks to your swimming pool in order to help you learn to swim more quickly. In theory it sounds good, until you realize that it's tough to swim at all when your legs have been bitten off.
what an idea, you should patent that but you should really wear chain mail trousers, but then again they'd weigh you down a bit, but then you'd have to learn to swim even faster and quicker BTW: now that was (your post) funny