Little design I've been working on...

Discussion in 'Web Design & Programming' started by Matt555, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    I found teaching myself was much more successful, as I was able to overcome problems on my own which made me more determined to do something good with it. - Coming soon, a design site I'll be setting up. Havent thought it all through yet so I'll post finished result when I've done it, that may not be for a while as I have other things to do so may not be doing that much in the coming weeks. Tomorrow I have an interview at Staffordshire University for an Internet Media course, so I'll have to find some older work as well as new stuff for a 'portfolio'. Tonight I played a gig and it went really well, everyone loved it so I'm still on a high from that and am 'buzzing' at the moment...anyway that's kinda off topic but at the moment I feel like running around as I have waaaaaaay too much energy for my own good...:D
  2. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    I'm sure that everyone here will agree with me when I say you've got potential to be a great web designer/graphic artist. I can't think of a reason why you wouldn't get into the univerisity!

    [ot] What instrument do you play? I used to play the keyboards in a band around London. Playing a gig in front of a load of people in a night club gives you a great high! And lets not forget the groupies... :p [/ot]
  3. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Thanks man, I got offered a place at the University Network Computing and Web Media is the course, it seems like a really cool place as well, I'm seriously considering it. Plus it offers an Internet Connection in every room which other Uni's don't, they offer connections in some places and no connections in others although most offer connections pretty much everywhere now. I like that idea, plus Uni connections are usually insanely fast. :eek:
    Web Design is something I've just taken too and something I've enjoyed from day 1.
    I play bass - the gig went really well and it was for a good cause as well so that makes it all the better.
  4. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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  5. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Added site navigation buttons under the header on that site, with rollovers, what ya'll think?

    I may use the layout (not design and headers etc) for the desolatedesigns site, although I'll think about it. I'll probably make a whole new layout for DD in the end.
  6. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    You were right;Side links will look better than top ones~!
  7. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Told you :p

    I like the rollovers but the images just don't seem to go with the design as much, I mean they're styled like the design but they don't seem to 'fit' IMO.
  8. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Yet another design, man I should really stop before I run out of ideas, oh well they're good templates / a good basis for future work.

    *Edit - If anyone wants any of these designs, do not hesitate to contact me (PM of E-Mail) I'm sure we can work something out.
  9. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    hehe....I was thinking of it that when u will gona say this. You are a proffessional graphics designer~!
    Do you think if some body wants any of these ideas will have to contact you. Its in their front and they can steal it any time.
  10. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Sure, but then people can steal almost any design: view the source code of a page, 'steal' the images put the two together and you've 'stolen' the design (in most cases).

    I'll probably replace the designs with single images soon, but then you won't have the rollovers working, it'll just be a flat image.
  11. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    ???? How can you say that?
  12. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Hehe, I don't think Matt555 was referring to you specifically! :D
  13. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    No not you specifically. That was never intended. I'll rephrase...

    "Sure, but then people can steal almost any design: view the source code of a page, 'steal' the images put the two together and they've 'stolen' the design (in most cases)."

    Apologies if I shocked you, my wording of that was crap.
  14. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Apologies from bad reader as well~!
  15. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    The funny thing is, Karanislove propably has stolen it! He was paranoid at the though he got caught out! :D

    Only joking!
  16. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    It isnt a bad idea e........ You got me, I think you shoud be in CBI or something.... do you?

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