This has been happening for the last three weeks or so, with IE and FF and i can't figure out why i have to log out twice. If i only log out once, it doesn't work. Any ideas?
I have to login twice.. Strange..I thought it might have been my network at home, but same as college. I hit login, and it runs through the "success" screen..then I'm still not logged in. Refresh, click any link, and I'm in. Just tried logging out, and I'm experiencing the same problem as well.
Its fine for me, when you log out, it still says your name at the top but if you click another link it logs you out.
when you click on logout, you get a message saying "All cookies cleared!" thats when it tells the browser to clear the cookies. Which logs you out. So now when you click on the HWF logo or another link you will be logged out.