Lost Power Unexpectedly

Discussion in 'Power Supplies and UPS's' started by Hoggie, May 30, 2015.

  1. Hoggie

    Hoggie Geek Trainee

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    Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit
    Processor (CPU) AMD PHENOM II X4 965 SOCKET AM3 (3.40GHz/8MB CACHE) - BLACK
    Motherboard ASUSĀ® M4A785TD-V EVO: DUAL DDR3, S-ATA II, 2 x PCIe x16, 1 x PCIe
    x1, 3 x PCI
    Memory (RAM) 8GB CORSAIR XMS3 DUAL-DDR3 1333MHz
    Graphics Card AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
    PSU 450W Quiet Dual Rail + 120mm Case Fan

    Hi Folks I hope you can help.
    I have just upgraded my graphics card, now when I try to convert mp4 to avi my system just shuts down. I think the problem is my PSU is not powerful upload_2015-5-30_10-12-47.png enough (this is where you guys can help) When I check my event viewer I get the error,
    source Kernel-Power
    ID 41
    lost power unexpectedly.

    So what do you guys think? If it is my PSU can you recommend a new PSU what would be compatible with my system.

  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    If it came with the case, yes! As a general rule, if it comes with the case, the power supply is garbage. A good ATX 500W from Silverstone, Seasonic, Antec (excluding the Basiq line)...for some options. be Quiet has a good rep internationally, but hasn't made it much in the US. Don't go cheap, and disregard something that feels light. Not fool proof tips, but that can help.

    Also, despite the marketing, dual or otherwise multiple rail power supplies are actually a detriment over a single +12V rail because the CPU, video card and SATA drives all run off the +12V. Splitting this up can fall flat quickly once you have one rails limitations exceeded. With your power supply, it probably has two +12V rails of 18A each, giving us 216A max per rail. You're CPU can take 125W of that, which leaves you with 91W to play with. This assumes the PSU company didn't route anything else with the CPU line. We also can't assume it's a quality unit. I'd like to, but rarely have I run across a case/PSU combo that didn't include a junker for the unit. So, we're not sure it can give the 216 W, let alone anything else.

    I don't think having a 450W power supply is a problem, I do think the particular one you do have is a problem. A solid 500W running a single +12V rail is a good place to start. Depending on future upgrade plans, in the next year you might want to look to a higher wattage, but if this what you plan to stick with, 500W should be fine.

    I would try to avoid using the system until you get the PSU replaced if at all possible.
  3. wireless

    wireless Guest

    A solid 500W running a single +12V rail is a good place to start.

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