Is it possible to run OSX on a pc? I would think it would be possible since all of the Macs come with Intel Core 2 Duos now. My computer has a core 2 duo, and i was looking to experiment a little. I am just sick of Windows, but i need windows i could run OSX and parallels to solve that problem. I have tried dual booting Mandriva and XP, but I find myself never using the Linux side. Getting OSX to work would be a nice solution to a big problem, and still maintaining my computer which way out-outperforms any of the mac computers offered.
Yes this is possible. You can find lists with compatible pc components here. But it might not run as fast as it does on a Mac, because a PC still has the old BIOS while a Mac has an EFI. If you really don't want Windows or Linux, then I would suggest to buy a Mac as your next machine.
i would love a mac, but i cant afford one right now, and my pc is far superior to a mac right now, at least their laptops.
I have both an Acer laptop (running Windows and Linux) and a Macbook, I much prefer the Macbook due to it's smaller size (good for carrying around Uni) and far-superior battery life (to my current laptop)
my computer specs, somebody private messaged me for them: Alienware Area-51 m5790 17" 2.66 Ghz (2.33 overclocked to 2.66) Intel Core 2 Duo ATI Radeon X1900 RAID 0 - 2 x 100 Gb 7200 RPM 2Gb - 667 DDR2
But that's not a 'typical' laptop, that's a gaming / high-end laptop, and I bet it's big, bulky and wouldn't last 5 hours on battery... I'm not slating your laptop, I'm saying, not everyone will buy that level of laptop... I didn't buy my Macbook to outperform my PC laptop (although it does have a faster CPU, more L2 Cache and faster *but less* RAM), they both have their uses, the Macbook I bought for the small size (13.3" Widescreen) and long battery life (I've had it running for 5 hours on battery with WiFi turned on and connected to my Uni's WiFi network in the Library)...
what i am saying is i want osx on the high performance laptop if possible. the reason i bought this instead of a mac was because it was higher performance...i use it mostly for 3d modeling/rendering, although it is not too shabby at all at gaming. I would love to have a real operating system on a really high end laptop, though i am not sure thats possible.
Like I said, there are some projects for running Mac OS X on a normal system. You can even dualboot between OS X and Windows. You could look at the page that I provided or just Google for them . If your laptop is compatible with OS X, then you might get it working
The first question "will it ever be possible?" Ive never read the user agreement of any program/app or OS so couldnt comment on the law. I would imagine it would be legal cos most people have PCs so it would widen Macs market a million fold. MS wouldnt like it.
oops. Thought the above post was the first. I didnt know osx will run on a pc. Good to know but will never try it!
I don't think it is, but I didn't bother reading the EULA thingy. I run it at the moment on my laptop. It may be in the future, who knows!
It is legal to run OSX on the PC using something like hacintosh. Read this article for further information.
I'd heard about that, but forgotten. At the bottom of the article though, it says: Which would suggest it's not legal...
You're right, I totally missed that. Kinda weird that macdailynews would have a title as "It's legal to run Mac OSX on non-apple..." and then in the article have a guy saying it is legal, but at the end have a note implying it is not legal. Although, from the comments:
i think that apple is "thinking" like they always did, not apple, no apple os! i think that now they have a great opportunity to make microsoft sweat a little. people are unsatisfied about vista. apple should release their os for intel pc's now. i would get a copy! the real war is about software, not hardware.
All Macs since mid-2007 are shipped with an Intel CPU But if Apple is going to release their OS for normal PCs, they would need to work hard on compatibility, and therefore working less hard on having stability and user friendliness. So I'd personally want Apple to keep their OS exclusively for Macs
Yh you can put mac on a pc - im running mac atm on my dell e520 - its great but bloody hard work - took me ages and I had to replace a couple of component ie the graphics card and had to get a ethernet card that was compatible and it took me about 15 try's. also now its on it won't update without going wrong - i am currently running 10.5.4. Its great to try out mac and the more iv used it the more I like it- but Im now saving for a real mac as its not perfect and I have fallen in love with mac and everything apple - just like most mac users