So far, I have reviewed motherboards from Asus, Abit, Epox, Gigabyte, and MSI. With the exeption of Epox, these companies are considered to be the top-tier in motherboards (excluding server-oriented SuperMicro and Tyan). Cast your vote as to what company you'd like to see motherboard reviews of.
I'd like a review of a Soltek P4 board. I know their AMD boards are very good but I don't know about the Pentium side.
Yeah DFI too. Quite a number of people like their "Lan Party" line but I've always been sceptical, mostly because of the price.
They also have their Infinity line...basically the LAN Party boards w/o the UV and the loads of accessories.
Do you have any problems getting motherboards to review, or do you have pre-arranged agreements with Mobo manufacturers? When I worked for (formerly, I gave one Shuttle MoBo a bad review (OK, a scorching review :jump2: ), and no other MoBo companies except ABIT would touch us with a ten foot pole after that. :sad:
It's more of getting a company to respond in the first place. If something is so bad that I can't actually get a system to run in the first place, it doesn't get reviewed...and is a prime factor in why there hasn't been an nForce 2 board through the site. I'm hoping that I'll be in my new job in another month here or so, and will probably look at another board to review once I get the money rolling in. I try to go for companies I haven't used before, but keep hearing good stuff about.
I always found it difficult to get video cards rolling in; especially Nvidia-based ones for some reason. That was right about the time ATI came into its own with the Radeon family... One thing you might look into is doing some base-level reviews of Linux distros; free and commercial. Suse, Redhat, Mandrake -- all these companies have been great about providing full professional suites for review. Also, there are literally 100's of free (as in libre and as in beer) Linux distros that are readily available in their full state. Just a suggestion
Soltek seems to be harder to get these days, at least in the US. In a "what the hell" move, I should be receiving a Soyo KT600 board for some review. It looks like Directron may finally be the ticket for review material. *goes back to watching Full Metal Panic*
Yeah Soltek had a division in USA for some time but not anymore so that must be the reason why it's harder than other manufacturers.