AT to the rescue Can you recommend an AntiVirus with an easy GUI and strong protection? Preferrably one that comes in an RPM file
I think it's a waste of resources to run a resident AV when you don't need one, but whatever, it's your system. Here you go.
Thanks old chap :good: So......... I'm all out of questions for now! *everyone breaths a sign of relief When are you going to try out SuSE Linux 10? I can tell you it's much better then the 9.x series. I'd love to read your review of it in comparision to other Linux distros
I have run SUSE 10 extensively, and while it is a nice, well-polished distro, there are things about it I don't care for. For instance, it puts too much emphasis on YaST in my opinion. While YaST may be desirable to those new to *nix due to it's simplicity, I find that it gets in my way more than it simplifies things for me. I prefer the way Mandriva has filled the same need with MCC, a modular control-panel interface which ties together a few dozen administration tools. Also, SUSE's implementation of KDE 3.4.2 is not as stable as the same version in Mandriva 2006. I don't know why this is, but it certainly was the case for me. ...OK, this ended up more a comparison between Mandriva and SUSE, but since both are desktop-centric distros it is a fair enough comparison to draw.
Christ, I am starting to get the shakes! :swt: My Linux PC has been processor-less for nearly a month now - hence no Linux for me! I am starting to get Linux jitters! I need my fix of SuSE and KDE I sold the original 700MHz processor for a 1GHz CPU. Unfortunately the faster CPU doesn't work with my mobo I've been waiting for a Pentium 850MHz (the fastest my mobo supports without OC) to appear on eBay for ages. Finally one has arrived, and now I need to BID BID BID I will be setting up a small home network once the Linux PC is back in action. My landlord has finally introduced the internet into our building I am just waiting for the cables to reach my room! I plan to use the Linux PC as a server, with Windows XP and Windows 98SE clients!