[H]ard|OCP has Asus A8N SLI motherboard and several GeForce 6 series PCIe cards to show how this new technology can benefit you. While the 6800 GT SLI and 6800 Ultra SL will likely get most of the glory today with performance that is unstoppable, the GeForce 6600 GT SLI is what really shines like a beacon in the night. For around $600 you can get a SLI gaming rig that will deliver better than 6800 GT gaming performance. Along with that, you have the option to upgrading to 6800 GTs or Ultras in the next year as prices start to slide down. I have already seen Unreal Engine 3 running flawlessly on lesser 6800-based mobile hardware so I feel very good about the longevity of 6800 series SLI. For the gaming or hardware enthusiast, this is certainly Must Have Hardware. Without a doubt, the GeForce 6600GT represents a hell of a SLI “starter set” that will keep most of us gaming very happily. While there are still some issues to work out and questions to be answered, this is still a very exciting, albeit expensive, bit of technology to come out. Go here to drool over the performance.