Is there any way of running system restore in an MS-DOS bootup? for some reason, my computer is not starting up properly, in normal boot or safe mode. Any ideas? This is desperate. My brother is getting an iPod for christmas, and we need to get the tracks so he can have them on there. Thanks. Also, I'm running windows XP, SP2.
I'm not sure you can run system restore from MS-DOS but i'm sure your Windows XP CD will have some sort of repair/recovery option Can you describe what is going wrong with your PC, then I can help you troubleshoot.
System restore is purely a GUI based tool for light recoveries. If you've seriously damaged your system, then I'm afraid most of the time with Windows a reinstall/repair install is the only option. But as megamaced pointed out, describe the exact problem and we'll try to help.
You could try the 'recovery console'. I always make sure I install it as a startup option just incase something serious goes wrong. Like I said though, tell us what's wrong and we'll fix it.... or your money back god im drunk
Thanks guys. I'll try the Windows CD repair. I forget about obvious solutions a lot of the time... :cramp:
Although this is a two year old post a Guest is looking at it right now. Let me just explain that XP does not run on a DOS platform and all Microsoft Operating systems have not done so since ME.