Pre-release Vista copy coming my way

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by NeloForster, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    Hey all,

    I signed up for something at my workplace where I'll be given the very final beta version of Vista (only available to OEM's, major brands, PC retailers and technical support call centres) and given 40 hours of intensive training learning about all the new features and diagnostic tools and error codes and basically what to do if it throws a tantrum and ceases to work.

    A couple of people already have their copies and have installed it on their home PC's and they say it's looking great, more stable than XP, easier to get around, and generally worth it.

    More onto the point - Not only will I be training people at my workplace after I've completed training given by one of Microsoft's representatives, but I'll also be sharing all of my Vista diagnostic knowledge with anyone else who wants it on these forums.

    I know some of you will already be up to speed on the OS after having tried the beta versions released by Microsoft at earlier dates, so this is mainly for those of you who have not yet sampled the platform and wish to learn more about what on earth to do if it crashes etc.

    So basically just ask me if you have difficulties with Vista and I'll do my best to help...


  2. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    I got everything working easy, my only problems were UT2K4 and AOL 9<<LOL

    Aol9 got solved by installing the american version whcih works fine with vista and then installing the uk version.

    Ut2k4 worked ok after importing some registry values, has to do this as the installer on the DVD did not work correctly with Vista.

    Other than that it was great, except the memory usage :\
  3. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Good stuff man, at least you'll know more then most when first starting out - a major advantage.

    I myself won't be buying Vista for a few reasons:

    1) Waste of money
    2) Resource Hog
    3) I can get a nicer interface in Linux and if I want the 'Vista' feel Window Blinds is available.
    4) Did I mention it's a complete waste of money?

    But I can see most new users taking full advantage of the free upgrades being given out with lots of new PC's as they'll believe whatever a sales person tells them.

    Anyway - It's good to know there'll be someone here with in-depth knowledge when it all goes t*ts up :D
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    yep, i agree[ot]vista will probably go t1ts up during the install proccess, with MS's history[/ot]
  5. izzy007

    izzy007 Big Geek

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    Well i installed vista and it was a nightmare:mad:

    firstly i couldnt upgrade from XP so i had to format and install
    Then my back up drv partition wouldnt open and spent a day trying to get it to work
    Thirdly it takes about 1 min to boot compared to xp which takes 25secs.
    Fourthly Hardly and software works properly with it and nero, daemon didnt work

    My internet didnt work. Tiscali couldnt detect the modem

    However it looks so nice that i wanna go back but until the proper release comes out and everything works, i wont be installing it.

    Are there any drivers for the Tiscali setup (sppedtouch 330 modem)
  6. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    You dident format your windows xp installations did you?!?! lol you should of created another partition if possible, formating and going to vista (seems like you expected to stay with vista ) is a bad idea, i did it, and it was a bad, bad, bad mistake :\
  7. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    The copy I'm getting is apparently the nearest thing to complete. I'll install the programs Nero and Daemon Tools and let you know if they work okay. I'll be able to test the overall stability thoroughly soon cause it's required of me in my job.

    I've heard good things about Linux, but should I really use it if I want to play all the latest most demanding games with no less performance than if I'd played them in XP?

  8. izzy007

    izzy007 Big Geek

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    well i have to give that it was much more stable than xp but still.
    it was build 5744 by the way
  9. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    NeloForst, you thinking of going with ATi? if so it seems you wont get good gaming experience at all, also, you i dont think you will be able to play direct x 10 stuff in linux or play stuff as good as in windows, if your a gamer, best to stick with windows i think..
  10. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    DirectX 10 is more limited than OpenGL2 in terms of shaders, let alone the forthcoming GL3 standard. It's all media hype. Microsoft admitted some time back that DirectX only exists in order to lock people into MS software, it's no big secret.

    As far as Windows games in Linux goes, read this thread.
  11. Addis

    Addis The King

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    It's good to know we have someone with Vista knowledge, I won't be of much use since I won't be installing it.

    While there aren't many native Linux games available (compared to Windows), running a native Linux game with an nVidia card is faster than in XP in my experience. (ut2k4, much better performance in Linux).
  12. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    I've got a dvd of Vista RTM. But it really sucks. The bootscreen is just a green bar scrolling from the left to the right. Then the most annoying thing is the Account Control, it pauzes Windows everytime that I want to run a system component or want to install something. Then the list of installed programs, it doesn't appear on the right side of the Start Menu anymore. But it appears inside the Start Menu itself, and that's quite annoying. XP fits my needs right now, so I won't need Vista for the coming years. (btw XP will get a modified version of DirectX 10, but slower the the original version 10. If I want more performance for games, I will buy one of the newest graphic cards from ATI or NVIDIA:p )
  13. NeloForster

    NeloForster Source of Exyphetadolamin

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    I'll be sure to find a way to turn that off for you.

    From what I've heard from people at my workplace is this can be resolved by selecting a sort of "classic view" option in some preferences somewhere. Still waiting for my copy of Vista :/
  14. izzy007

    izzy007 Big Geek

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    well ive got the final ed. of ultimate (i think) and its 32bit, which is great coz i could install my internet software an a lot of other applications easily.
    But only got 30 days to use it though coz i havent purchased it or anything
  15. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    can you actually run vista ok with 1gb of ram? how much ram do you have left with normal apps, i am guessing its not really enough for games right?
  16. izzy007

    izzy007 Big Geek

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    62% physical memory used. so thats 635mb used then
  17. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    And how much apps are you running?
  18. izzy007

    izzy007 Big Geek

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    therez about 50 processes running and applications, just internet browser
  19. izzy007

    izzy007 Big Geek

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    but its all pretty smooth though
  20. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Ah, i have RC1, i am thinking of installing that but i wonder if there is much diffo between RC2 and the one after that :\

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