I would really like to try out a wii to see what all the fuss it about here. Those consoles are flying off the shelves and to be honest I can't think of a single title that shows off anything so amazing. I admire that nintendo is trying a different approach and the controler is certainly a good plan but unless you really love those classic downloadable games I'm not really seeing the major attraction. Maybe the controller is extreamly responsive and intuitive but from the sounds of things the titles aren't scoreing too well here so I'm not sure what to think.
It's my birthday soon, and I'm thinking of getting a Wii. Our PS2 has been reliable for 3 years, but yesterday it broke. It can't read discs fast enough, taking 10 mins to load a game!!!! I'm not really bothered about graphics, because I'll only be playing it on a crappy 14" TV. I like the idea of being able to play without having to sit down with a controller and barely move. We had an Eyetoy for the PS2 which was brilliant. I don't think the PS3 will do very well, it's not even out yet (in the UK), and all my friends seem to be getting either Wiis or 360s.
I may even concider a wii now, for one reason, its controls, they seem abit wierd, but hoepfully there is some games that can make you really active and use allot of energey, maybe good excersise, and i need to loose weighy , but i eventually will get a PS3 still, its not out in the Uk i know that, but i can see people who have Xbox 360's going out and buying the PS3 if they have the money, look on the bright side though, at least it will always be in stock , but then again, over 60 million people in the UK, bound to be a couple of million buying PS3's. I rekon your PS2 DVD Drive might just need cleaning with some cd/dvd cleaner, unusual for it to break just like that.
The main thing with the Wii is it's different, and at least from playing Wii Sports it's quite fun. As long as Nintendo keeps putting out innovative, orginal games, I don't see the lack of graphics being a major problem, especially when the best selling system in the world is the DS which noone is going to compare to a 360 or PS3. I think Sony's biggest problem this time around is just plain arrogance. After all they come out promising the world and don't seem to be putting any effort into making their products a success. The PS3 for example they rip off the Xbox center button and the Wii's motion sensing but they just kind of threw them in to say they have them, or at least on my PS3 I haven't found a game with that great of implemenation of the Sixaxxis yet. They promised that the PS3 would change the face of gaming and yet their launch titles look worse than the 360 graphics wise which at least according to Sony it should be able to completly blow away anything MS is able to put out. I'm not sure if it was just a rush job on the games or if Sony isn't providing the support it should be giving their developers in order to exploit the power of the Cell architecture but so far I'd say it's MS who is coming up on top as far a gfx and the Wii as far as playability. And the final thing Sony's screwing up on is pushing about how powerful Bluray is and how it's going to change the entire landscape of gaming and cinema. So far their have been titles that have had the data padded to make it look like it's using more of the disc than it actually does, considering according to Sony Bluray is supposed to spin at a constant speed throughout the disc there should be no reason to pad anything unless it's just a marketing ploy to say we weren't able to fit this on a dvd. On the movie side of thing just read any forum that has to do with both HD sides and despite HD-DVD lacking the 50GB of data capable on BR you'll find the majority of people who have both players perfering the HD-DVD image quality over BR. I'm thinking the main reason for this is the majority of HD-DVD titles released in VC-1 take 1-3 weeks to master, whereas Sony who is handling most of the BR masters is pumping them out in a day and not caring whether the source material is in good shape or not. The worst part about this though is the poor masters they put out on BR they turn around and blame the consumer for not having the proper tv to view their content on or for not calibrating their tv properly. If Sony wants to stay on top they've seriously have to start taking some time and putting quality controls into play and to start really allowing their partners the resources they need to make top quality entertainment. Simply messing up then blaming the consumer I can't see as a successful marketing plan to try and launch a couple of new technologies your betting your comapny on.
To be fair Xbox 360s launch games weren't anything special either. Call of Duty 2 was alright..Perfect Dark Zero was a mess. I don't even remember what else came out. But you're right, right now the 360 has better looking games...sony should have thought of their killer game for ps3 the minute they finished releasing ps2. Launch compared to Launch..both systems sucked ass...but sony had an extra year and shoulda delivered more or promised less...either way.. tsk. Also PS3 is attempting to be too many things, when most people just want a game console. If you find a use for everything inside the PS3 then its totally worth the money, i'd say. Especially considering that most of the things in PS3 require some sort of addon for Xbox 360. I hope both are successful because I have a PS3, my two best friends have a wii and 360 respectively..I hope all three pump out awesome games. I think the 2007/2008 lineup of PS3 games look very promising. Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, Tekken (if you're into it), Kain and Lynch, Mercenaries 2, Heavenly Sword...Most other games will appear on both systems. Bottom line for me, All three systems will kick ass with Xbox now gettings its killer title and some killers on the way for all three systems (MGS4 and Zelda) i'm glad i have all three just a stone's throw away!
I think the fairest test is to look at each console in it's second year, then compare the experience. Every launch is shakey, sony definately did drag it's feet in letting the Devs know about certain features like the sixaxis for example so no wonder it's not utilized in any amazing way. But then again the contoler is not supposed to revolutionize the way we play games like the Wii's is. It's just supposed to compliment what we're used to with the analog sticks and all. Soon enough well see logical and effective uses for it though like in Army of Two when you snipe the weapon bob comes from the shaking of your hands only which is simple and the perfect kind of implementaion if you ask me. And as for the graphics, yeah it's no major surprise that the PS3 isn't blowing anything out of the water as is, I still would say that Resistance fall of man looks better than anything the 360 had at launch but generally the 2 lineups weren't very impressive. The 360 had a lot of dull, simply resed up ports and the PS3 simply has mostly some standard, not terribly ambitious games as of right now. As far as the Wii goes I see a lot of potential for sure but I must say that it's a little sad when something like warioware smooth moves is perhaps the consoles highest rated game. Not saying that game's not fun but I thought the console was all out bringing non gamers into the mix and I don't think that that sort of stuff that's in the pipeline is about to do that. I'm not seeing any killer app or any title that says this is what the Wii is all about, anyone can enjoy this. But it's still pretty early and some new titles might start to be developed soon that show that off.
Just abit off topic here, but for the PS3 to connect to the internet, does it need a computer to connect, or can it connect withought a computer been present?
It can connect straight to a router with an ethernet cable. Optionally, if you have a wireless network it detects and connects to it once details are entered. Great .
That is great, i was so sure it wouldent need a computer, some guys said it did in my class at college, buy they thinlk there right to everything, i cant get a word in, i think they were Xbox 360 fanboys
Well it'd be silly to have your console's only way of connecting to the Internet through a computer - and how would they connect it to the computer? USB? That'd mean drivers, which would probably mean they'd need Windows. If it was an ethernet connection to the computer then that'd be pointless as use the ethernet to connect straight to a router, tell those people at your college they know nothing, if they had any sense they'd have realised that by now...
Folks, Didn't want to start a new thread, but wanted to ask for opinions as to whether it's safe to buy a PS3? I was in GameSpot today and was surprised to find that they had units in stock. I was also surprised at the bashing it took from the guy I was talking to with respect to seemingly numerous technical issues. I don't remember them all, but one that sticks out is the controller disconnecting at random intervals. I had to chuckle to myself though, as soon as he left for the back room I was informed by two younger fellows that "he's a playstation hater"...so who knows, but one of these guys was already an PS3 owner and didn’t seem to be complaining. I also read elsewhere about problems with Lynksis (spelling?) routers, which is really off-putting to me since I currently use a Lynksis wireless router. Seems like the 360 is the safer bet, at least from a stability and ease of use factor. But, to be honest, Halo 3 is the only killer app for me, personally, on this unit (ST Legacy seemed neat, but has been so thoroughly bashed in reviews that I've already put this in the category of possible rental). For me though, Resistance: Fall of Man seems like a more intriguing title than Gears of War (but who knows). While WarHawk, if done well, should be great (I was a BIG fan of the original version). LAIR – well what can I say, it has fire breathing dragons…and, well, I like dragons . Plus, there’s God Of War 2 in development I’m sure. Ultimately, bad news travels faster than good and the zealots of one console will surely bash the others, so it’s difficult to sort this all out. So the question is, do I wait till these alleged technical hurdles are resolved and go 360 or throw my hat in the ring and take my chances with the PS3?
I think there is some truth to the controlers going out of sync for a second of so now and then but I think the easiest way to alleviate that is to just plug in the power/recharge cord so it's not just relying off of the bluetooth connection. It's a bit of a rip I know but I doubt it's a massive problem everyone goes though or one that will remain thoughout the consoles life. Right now I wouldn't really look into getting the PS3. It's just so new that there are some wrinkles that need to be sorted out. I'd say wait till spring when some of the big name titles hit, the online community is more established, and they provide some more downloadable content through the store and all. I'm all for resistance and think it looks extremely fun but I'd wait until more than a couple games entice me. The 360 has ton of stuff I'd like to check out now and that's what my friends all have so there are benifit there party wise. But yeah, once some major titles like Lair as you said, or Assasians Creed, Heavenly Sword, MGS4, Army of Two, Warhawk etc. come out I could really see investing in the PS3, just give it a bit of time. Oh and if you didn't know, God of War II is for PS2, not PS3 like God of War III is supposed to be. We'll be seeing GoWII in march however.
There does seem to be reports of problems with certian linksys routers. I really can't see why, the PS3's own software/any other OS thats running on it should use standard TCP/IP protocols with DHCP so it shouldn't even matter what type of router is on the other end. The problem may be on linksys side, or Sony's side. If it's on Sony's side, the problem could be fixed with later revisions of the PS3. I actually got a PS2 this christmas (my brother did) and it made me realise how far the PS2's come since its original launch. As for choosing a console, don't be put off by anyone telling you what to buy on either side until you've done some research and thought about it yourself. You should consider the future of each console, games and what YOU would like the console to do.
You know, it sure does seem like these things need to go through their own “teething” period, I remember the 360 being accused of having its own set of technical problem. Maybe it’s best to let others find out what’s wrong and buy one later when there’s more games and less problems. And then theirs the Halo Factor….the third of which may end what’s left of my social life. As for routers, my suspicion lies with propriety filters and/or firewalls, TCP/IP is completely standardized, I ageee
Thats true, the 360 had some problems with overheating and power supplies yet we didn't really make a big fuss of it since it was Microsoft, and we're used to things from them failing. The Wii didn't have as bad a time, it had a few niggles with the controller but nothing major. I'll also wait a while before buying one. Firstly because of the lower price, and secondly later revisions should be less buggy.
As far as early hardware issues the Wii is pretty well spot on with more or less no problems, save for the occasional flung controller and broken TV etc. I just wouldn't get one concidering that there's no real high quality exclusive games for the beast. Twilight Princess is a winner yes, but it's also for GC and of the same quality, CoD3 is a great game but any review will tell you the 360 and PS3 versions are superior and generally more accessable. Once stuff like Metroid and Smash Bro's hits I'll be pretty pumped though. Otherwise I don't really know what's in the Wii pipeline, theres not many announced games.
Well to put some issues to somewhat rest..I have PS3 and a linksys router...it works fine. Just did initial Network setup and everything's a dream both wireless or wired (tested them both just for good measure) And as for the wireless controller knocking out of sync....hasn't happened on any PS3 game for me. When it does happen is when i pop in a PS2 game- as soon as the game boots the controller shuts off and i have to press the home button on the controller...other than that it never happens and its not a big deal. Perhaps the people who have experience with random dropouts are sitting too far from the console. My bedroom is no more than 200SQ feet so range isn't a problem corded or BT.
Jesus, went into the game shop today, PS3 on show, bloody hell they run hot!!! Feel the side of the things. Anyway, no I am not biased in particular, I have a PS1 (the original big grey ugly thing LOL) and had a PS2 (one of the first ones that came out at £400 :O) and it broke, too many things went wrong on it for it being worth replacing, like the DVD / CD drive, then it just crashed every 10 or 15 mins, and it wasnt down to the condition of the discs, as they were fine. I then bought an original Xbox, Halo was my first game, sat in with my brother for hours on end playing it woop ^^. I MUCH preffered the XBOX controller (the S type one, not the original HUGE one) towards the PS series ones. I also had MUCH less crashes and disc read errors on the XBOX than the PS2, and It could be running for 9 hours streight and would not crash. The graphics on the XBOX, I noticed were quite marginly better compared to the PS2 also... I now have an XBOX 360, chuffed as hell with it, after owning it 9 month, got it online - the first games console (apart from the nintendo DS and its wireless multiplay over the net feature) that i got multiplayer over the internet - always used the PC... Yes Live is £39 a year, but its worth every penny. The games look superb, and I get no lag or anything, whether it be the framerate, or the responsivness of the wireless pads. I absolutely adore the controller design for the Xbox 360, I even bought a wired one to use on my PC. As for reliability, well my game sessions usually dont exceed 2 hours a day, sometimes 4. I have had 3 System crashes / Freezes in the whole year, and no red rings of death. I think I got the last 90nm batch, which were OK but still got pretty hot. The 65nm ones are suposed to be a lot cooler, temperature wise. The console is not noisy at all, I barely notice it when the disc spins at full rev. and the fans, yes they speed up and down, but again, barely notice it. Software ---- The PS3 is like rocket science to program games for, because of it's Cell Processor 7 point FPu, 5 or 6 are only available for games, so trying to program accross 5 or 6 units is extremely hard. The memory bandwidth is nearly 6 times more on the XBOX 360, due to it's triple core IBM CPu, and awsome ATi Xenon Graphic unit. Xbox 360 has a LOT of games, PS3 has Resistance fall of man or soemthing, thats the only game I would actually want to try on a PS3. As for storage for games, yes blue ray is bigger, but its going to be a while before the majority of games actually take up more than 9GB, with some exceptions of course. M$ has won this console war here I think...