Ever been in a situation where you're dying for some nourishment but you were too poor, too far away, or are just plain unable to get typical food from the typical sources? When you're in a pinch like that, you'll try just about anything which promises a quick boost of energy and a slight break from the angry growling of your stomach. Here's a couple of tried & true recipes of necessity to get things started off:
'oakie sandwich' sounds pretty good. I love coke and I love peanuts! A-1 toast sounds quite odd but I guess it'll get you through a day
Cake Bread Discovered by me and a friend whilst waiting for a pizza to cook. Take a piece of bread (white ideally). Sprinkle large amounts of sugar over the bread, or to taste. Fold the bread in half. Eat. Tastes just like cake. In bread. EDIT:::===----Oh wow 1000th POST!!----===:::TIDE
A very old one similar to that excep: When you put the sugar on, add a bit of tea without milk and eat.
eeee ur all sick sick ppl gu in the right mind eats sgar on bread however if u put jam and chese on a sandwich its nice...reminds me of sweet and sour chicken. and Frosties with custard on..now that is NICE
You're missing the point. It's not necessarily that you want to eat like that, It's that you try something unlikely just to get something in your stomach, and it turns out to be better than expected.
Yeah sometimes you haven't the food nor the money to buy your "Jam and cheese" ! So you gotta substitute
How could you eat that?!!! If its anything like supernoodles, its going to be VERY dry. I like the coke and peanuts on better.
I like coke one because you won't have a very strong taste of nuts in your mouth, you have a good soft drink with peanuts dissolved in it. I might try that when I have some nuts lying around.
I'm guessing you've never had dry ramen noodles? They're actually not that bad. A little bland perhaps, but I've eaten much, much worse. As for the Coke & peanuts, you really can't taste the peanuts. Just tastes like salty Coke.