Here's one of my own recipies, discovered by accident one day when the ingredients were all I had in my cupboard. Everyone I know who's tried this recipe is hooked on it, so don't let the name fool you:
dont like jam or choccy spread..butter is good jam can be sticky but nice..coz it reminds me of being little
Anything on toast is fine by me. I find peanut-butter is pretty good, that's just me though. Never tried that chocolate spread, sounds good though.
Noo.. exfoliate you've revived my craving for peanut butter even though i don't like it! It's torture!
Sorry Matttibb, if only I had known...Hmmm, you hate it yet you crave it, interesting, I know what you mean though. :chk:
You have peanut butter with squirty cream? - you horrible horrible evil person. I personally hate & love peanut butter, the Smooth Peanut butter makes me cringe, and i really think its just foul and tastless, where as the Crunchy Peanut butter is awesome hmm YOMMEHH! Hmmmmm. I like Jam / Honey pretty much everything, however i have to have it with really really thin amounts, as its really really sweet, and i seem to have lost my sweet tooth. Now.. Marmite hmmmm Tis THE best thing EV0r to happen to the Toast World!
haha bit of a misunderstanding there. I have a cold so i'm covering everything in stacks of pepper so i can get some taste!
Lol I have pepper on chips and everyone tells me that wierd i have salt and pepper and normal people have salt and vinegar but what the hell i think it tastes nice, pepper gives flavour
I can't put pepper on my easter eggs though I can't taste em at all! just get the feeling of choclate melting in my mouth which kinda sucks considering it's easter so this cold better sod off soon!
You have cans of chicken in the USA?? Eugh...has it like got its little feet sticking out of the top? How bigs the can?