I've bought a Maxtor HDD of 80 GB. I used it on an Asrock motherboard. But that mainboard was malfunctioning. So I attached it to an ASUS motherboard. But Windows can only see 30 GB on that harddisk. Even the BIOS states that this harddrive is only 30 GB in size. I tried several partition programs. They didn't helped me, because they all say that the whole drive is only 30 GB in size. I also made several disk scans, but they all say that the drive hasn't got any errors. It happened from the moment that I connected the HDD to another motherboard.
Check the jumpers on the Driver, i remember seeing on quite a number of drives a jumper configuration that Limits the drive capacity to 30Gb or something similar, is this drive the master and the CD rom the Slave, if it is, look at the Jumper configs carefully, i belive the jumper is on the wrong pins.
Well the drive had the full 80 gb capacity when it was connected to the previous motherboard. I haven't changed any jumpers on the hard drive when I connected it to the new motherboard. I also ran a scanning program from maxtor. It said that it didn't found any errors on the drive, and that all jumpers where connected on the correct way. EDIT: Could it be possible that the mainboard itself has a drive capacity limit? (ASUS P4S800-MX)
I've updated the bios, but with no success. The size of the hard drive is still 33 GB. Here is a screenshot of an IDE diagnostics program about this harddrive:
How long have you had this HDD for? have you actually touched the jumpers on it at all or even looked at them?
This HDD is about 1 month old. I've set the jumper to master (according to the image on the sticker of the HDD) on the old motherboard. After I connected it to the new motherboard (without touching the jumpers anymore), the disc was suddely 33 GB in size (and not 80 GB anymore). EDIT: The product specification states that there are only 3 jumper options possible: master, slave and cable select. So there is no limit setting.
There are no options in the bios to configure the HDD. At the HDD information, it says size 33 GB. I've also tried to use the options Restore defaults and Load optimal defaults. But none of them work. Different HDD scanners all say that nothing is wrong with the drive, so it can't be damaged. Very strange
ok, thanks anyway. That harddisk was a component on a pc that i built for my grandparents. the HDD works, but not with the full capacity. but it'll do.
It detects it as a Maxtor HDD of 33 GB. It is connected as the Primary master. (btw I have another harddisk of 37 GB connected as the primary slave, and both cd drives connected to the secondary as master and slave, if that information is useful).
Is the 37Gb actually 37Gb, i would suggest just for testing purpose, take out the 37Gb HDD, and then just use the HDD been detected as 33Gb, and see if it works, if it does and shwos propor values, set the 33Gb to master or slave, have it on the IDE cable with the DVD Rom or whatever, then connect the 37Gb driver seperatly to the other IDE connection and set it to master, then go into Bios, and find the HDD Boost Priority, and set the 37Gb Hdd to 1 if thats the one with your OS on it.
Format the drive using the manufacturers tools and using ntfs. If you initially format using fat32 it will be limited to 32gb, and the drive will always be seen as 32gb even in BIOS.... which is suspiciously close to your 30gb. I read on the MAxtor website a while ago that the only way round it is to format using ntfs and the manufacturers tools. The board definitely supports the drive. The only limitation you might get is the 48bit one... but that gets you stuck at 137gb...