hi, i think it would be a good idea to increase the number of last threads you visited from 5 to say 10 or 20, because i cant find the thread i commented on
That's just the default setting. You can increase the length you view by going to the top of any page on HWF and clicking on 'Edit Options'. Scroll down to 'Thread Display Options' and among the personalized options you'll have the option to alter the default cut-off viewing.
I'm sure that can probably be changed, but it'll take some digging around. I'll have to see if Sniper can alter some settings since I don't see it/haven't found it in the Admin Control Panel. However, if you're looking for a thread you made a post in, you can use the search function and limit your query to the past few days and forum(s) you posted in.
you can see all the posts you posted by clicking on your profile http://www.hardwareforums.com/search.php?do=finduser&u=4347 I will mod it so users can select the max amount they want to see in their usercp by the end of the week, should not be hard.