User Introduction Thread

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Sniper, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. beretta9m2f

    beretta9m2f Karate-Chop Action Gabe

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    As i have for you fellow Gabe:cool:
  2. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    :D Thanks man, us Gabe's have to stick together.
  3. UnSeEn

    UnSeEn Mayor McCheese

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    Ah, someone wants to know about the wooden penguin incident. Well, you see, I was a sheltered child. I didn't get out much, so I pretty much kept to myself most of the time and played with my toys (including a wooden penguin). Then, I met Exfoliate and his bro. First impression: I chased them around the house with my wooden penguin on wheels, screaming at them and flailing the penguin dangerously. I honestly don't know why they still associate with me :D I haven't changed much...'cept for the boyish "rat-tail" I had. Uggghh...
  4. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    :D I really want pics of your former rat-tail clad self, a bit of nastalga never hurt anyone.
  5. UnSeEn

    UnSeEn Mayor McCheese

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    Fortunately, I don't have a pic of my younger self, but I do have this:


    The one on the far right is me :D

    By the way, I'm pretty sure I'm not mentally retarded.
  6. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    :eek: Haha *pounds table* that's you at your best mate. When was that and why the pained and disheveled look?
  7. UnSeEn

    UnSeEn Mayor McCheese

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    Well, that was at an Advisor dinner with my advisor, Mr. Bilz (the small guy with glasses who likes Star Wars). My fellow advisees are also there: a little Mexican guy named Jose, a gangsta/skater punk named Matt, and an "interesting" guy with an afro who plays Age of Empires and makes surreal wallpapers. We're quite the characters. And no, I have no clue why I put that face on. I think I was just tired from all the pictures...and to make matters worse, I think that might have been one of the pictures taken by a cute waitress :D
  8. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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    I've just found this thread. My name is Thomas (bet you hadn't guessed!)
    and I live midway between Leeds and Manchester (a bit closer to Manchester), West Yorkshire, UK.
  9. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    :hi: Hey Thomas, good to have you onboard, loving the sig and avitar mate. :good:
  10. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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    lol thanks, you too
  11. Elly

    Elly Geek Trainee

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    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Elly and I'm in Leics, UK.
    I built my PC, my eldest daughters, and about to build one for my youngest daughter from bits and pieces left from upgrades.
    Infact I've got everything now but a monitor and an OS lol!

    Most of my PC knowledge comes from reading, and talking to others.
    I am often found reading in various forums.
    Hope to get to "meet" you all soon :D
  12. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Welcome to the forums!

    You'll like it here I'm sure :)
  13. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    especially if you have a sense of humour, cos most people on HWF do

    NO, i won't tell you who doesn't (cos i don't know)

    [ot]BTW Welcome to HWF[/ot]
  14. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    LOL, first in there again :p

    Welcome to the forums Elly
  15. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Seriously dude, you're not ever gonna let it drop are you... :rolleyes:
  16. DavidNW

    DavidNW Big Geek

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    Hi, I'm David.

    I've been a member for a few months and have learned so much! I have just reinstalled Mandriva and am awaiting the delivery of a router so that I can, hopefully, this time, get a connection to the Internet. Yes, I have tried scripts and firmware, but they don't seem to work for me!

    I'm from London, originally, but now live in a small country town in Lancashire, UK.
  17. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Sorry to ask but am I missing something here, anything develope while I was gone?

    :hi2:Anyway a big welcome Elly, glad to have you onboard. It's good to have more female members too as it does seem to be mostly a male interest for one reason or another.
  18. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    I think this was while you were still active dude, someone posted an intro in the testing forum I think and I said Welcome etc, then megamaced came to the conclusion that because the avatar was of a girl etc etc that I was hitting on her...

  19. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Ooh, I got you man. Can't say I remember that but I'm sure mega's just messing with you, no harm done.
  20. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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