Ah, someone wants to know about the wooden penguin incident. Well, you see, I was a sheltered child. I didn't get out much, so I pretty much kept to myself most of the time and played with my toys (including a wooden penguin). Then, I met Exfoliate and his bro. First impression: I chased them around the house with my wooden penguin on wheels, screaming at them and flailing the penguin dangerously. I honestly don't know why they still associate with me I haven't changed much...'cept for the boyish "rat-tail" I had. Uggghh...
Fortunately, I don't have a pic of my younger self, but I do have this: The one on the far right is me By the way, I'm pretty sure I'm not mentally retarded.
Haha *pounds table* that's you at your best mate. When was that and why the pained and disheveled look?
Well, that was at an Advisor dinner with my advisor, Mr. Bilz (the small guy with glasses who likes Star Wars). My fellow advisees are also there: a little Mexican guy named Jose, a gangsta/skater punk named Matt, and an "interesting" guy with an afro who plays Age of Empires and makes surreal wallpapers. We're quite the characters. And no, I have no clue why I put that face on. I think I was just tired from all the pictures...and to make matters worse, I think that might have been one of the pictures taken by a cute waitress
I've just found this thread. My name is Thomas (bet you hadn't guessed!) and I live midway between Leeds and Manchester (a bit closer to Manchester), West Yorkshire, UK.
Hi Everyone, I'm Elly and I'm in Leics, UK. I built my PC, my eldest daughters, and about to build one for my youngest daughter from bits and pieces left from upgrades. Infact I've got everything now but a monitor and an OS lol! Most of my PC knowledge comes from reading, and talking to others. I am often found reading in various forums. Hope to get to "meet" you all soon
especially if you have a sense of humour, cos most people on HWF do NO, i won't tell you who doesn't (cos i don't know) [ot]BTW Welcome to HWF[/ot]
Hi, I'm David. I've been a member for a few months and have learned so much! I have just reinstalled Mandriva and am awaiting the delivery of a router so that I can, hopefully, this time, get a connection to the Internet. Yes, I have tried scripts and firmware, but they don't seem to work for me! I'm from London, originally, but now live in a small country town in Lancashire, UK.
Sorry to ask but am I missing something here, anything develope while I was gone? :hi2:Anyway a big welcome Elly, glad to have you onboard. It's good to have more female members too as it does seem to be mostly a male interest for one reason or another.
I think this was while you were still active dude, someone posted an intro in the testing forum I think and I said Welcome etc, then megamaced came to the conclusion that because the avatar was of a girl etc etc that I was hitting on her... *shrug*
Ooh, I got you man. Can't say I remember that but I'm sure mega's just messing with you, no harm done.