I personally use FireFox and the only other browser that I have had experience with is IE. I like FF because of all of the extentions and the different skins. I have been hearing things recently that it isnt as secure as I think it is. Is this true? What is your favorite browser and why?
Whick browser do you use? Like firefox 2.0...coz its faster than any other browser. Believe me! yesterday i've updated my connection to 2mb speed and I wasnt noticing any speed increase with Opera or IE but when I install the FF, it goes boom. As long as there is no bug in a software, it is good and secured. But if there is any bug comes out in a software then the main thing to notice is how long manufaturer of that software is taking to fix that problem. Microsoft takes longer time as compared to FF or Opera. Also, bugs in IE comes out more frequently as compared to FF/Opera.
Whick browser do you use? I used to have Netscape, then FF and finally I've found that Opera fits all my needs just fine - fast, reliable and functional.
Whick browser do you use? I use Opera on my laptop, I used to use Firefox but then when I tried Opera 9 I was won over, it's a slick browser.
Whick browser do you use? Firefox is as secure as ever, no worries Karanislove Open Source will allways kick the :swear: out of proprietry software, open source programs have 100's of thousands of potential programers (perhaps millions?)... i doubt MS have more than a few thousand! Firefox with maxrequests set to 100 and page rendering pause set to 0 will kick the :swear: out of just about anything.... maby even the server (dam college uses IE, *misses FF2 with spell checker* )
Whick browser do you use? I use opera, mainly, because I think it's a cool browser and I love the integrated mail client, but FF seems highly customisable, so I like it as well.
Whick browser do you use? Using FF generally, but i also have Opera and IE. Off Topic: FF2 keeps on crashing on me .
Whick browser do you use? Firefox because although Opera is a good browser, I support free and open source software, and I believe in helping Firefox get even better.
Whick browser do you use? FF, cos of extention like fasterfox - so i know what it's doing CustomiseGoogle - brill, when searching [ot]is there anywhere that tells you which FF extentions do what ?[/ot]
Whick browser do you use? Yesterday I installed the foxytunes add on, its awsome! it is connected with my Windows Media Player (u can connect it with any player) and I can navigate all the buttons from the browser instead of going through player. I can even close the WMP (It works in the background actually, its just firefox who hides it)....This thing rocks! [ot] y? whats wrong with it? I would say start another thread for this problem and try the replies from other members. Hopefully u will get it fixed... I dont know what exactly u r trying to say with this.. because if I go to Firefox's website and download the add on's, there is a decription with each addon... u can check yourself [link=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/recommended/]here[/link].... and if you click on the add on name instead of install then it will give you full description of it.... R u installing your addons from somewhere else? [/ot]
Whick browser do you use? Firefox cuz I like my skin (Nautipolis) and the Nuke Anything extension I got, and I don't feel like learning my way around Opera... got better things to do, like homework lol.
Whick browser do you use? yeah, FF, i'd choose FF just for the Foxmarks extention alone, this will keep your bookmarks syncronized (the same) over numerous OS's
[ot] If u use [link=http://www.google.com/bookmarks/]Google Bookmarks[/link], you can use them anywhere in the world on any browser.... [/ot]