*takes aim at Aldon* lol There's nothing wrong with IE7, if you don't mind malware Seriously, you don't know what your missing... Because of Firefox... Google is easier to use and more private (Customize Google can remove click tracking) I haven't seen a advert in a long time (AdBlock Plus) My spelling is getting better (firefox2 has a spell checker) I don't have to sign into my gmail / open a mail client to be told i have mail (Gmail Manager) I can create rules to download multiple files (DownThemAll) I can make a page reload every X amount of time (ReloadEvery, great for ebay sniping ) but the real killer add-on has to be StumbleUpon. There all in the extensions guide (with descriptions and usage instructions) www.getfirefox.com
Hello, Well I only upgraded to IE7 the other week and so far so good although I havn't really looked at the possible issues it, I'm busy with problems I'm having in other areas, see the link below. Soon enough I wont have to worry. :chk: My Thread How sad I've just noticed I'm the only IE user
I absolutely despise IE, I like Firefox but for me Opera is king, Firefox 2 is impressive but it doesn't make me want to change from Opera.
I have to say that Firefox 2 is very good, it's much better than before but it's just not good enough to make me want to switch from Opera.
Can anyone tell me why they believe Opera 9 is better than Firefox 2? One of my theories as to why Opera seems faster to use is because it uses the Qt graphics toolkit, which is by far better than the GTK used by Firefox and GNOME.
Lynx? No I use firefox 1.5 - Havn't got round to upgrading yet. I'm very stubborn when it comes to computer programs, if I've used it for a while and have had no problems I generally stick with it, instead of possibly finding better alternatives. My vote went to firefox however, it certainly seems the most popular browser wherever you post a poll, there doing somthing right. :dry:
Why is Opera better? Cleaner interface Superior tabbed browsing Superior RSS feed handling Superior download manager More functionality out of the box More secure Faster web browsing More standards compliant Widgets Automatic sorting of bookmarks Built in email client Better zoom tool Superior plug in manager Superior cache manager Superior pop up blocker Don't get me wrong though, I really like Firefox 2.0. In fact, I am using it right now as I type this on my Xubuntu 6.10 laptop
i prefer Foxmarks, cos it auto updates everytime FF is run, nd you only need to install plug in and login and Foxmarks will work worldwide too