which linux flavour to try next ?

Discussion in 'Linux, BSD and Other OS's' started by donkey42, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    The point is that you don't need to install any software from the second DVD, or FTP for that matter. Once you've installed Debian from the first DVD, that's it.

    If you want to install more software in the future, you can either use a package manager such as Synaptic or the apt-get command.

    For example, let's say that Firefox is not included on the first DVD, but you want to install it. All you would need to type in the terminal is:

    apt-get install firefox
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    thanks mega, just need to figure out how to burn a DVD now (if my burner feels like it, and if it works)
  3. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    The net install version will allow you to boot to the installer and begin the FTP install process. All you have to do is pick an FTP mirror from the list, it's no more difficult than installing from disc.
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    do i boot from a floppy ?, if so where do i get the floppy extractor / creator ?, cos i think my burners :swear:ed and needs replacing - and i cant afford one - :swear: - or do i have to wait until i get a new burner ?

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